剋裏斯托弗·希欽斯 Christopher Hitchens,美國人,專欄作者、記者、評論員、隨筆作傢,《名利場》雜誌、《石闆》雜誌、《新政治傢》雜誌、《紐約時報書評》和《大西洋月刊》等雜誌的特約編輯、撰稿人,作品不計其數,還包括國 際暢銷書 《神不偉大:宗教如何毒害一切》、《希奇22:迴憶錄》和《有待商榷》等。“全球百大公知”排名第五;美國《時代》周刊評選的十大“入侵”美國的英國人。他於2011年12月15日逝世。去世一年多以來,幾乎每周,他還在被《紐約時報》和其他媒體提及或引述。
On June 8, 2010, while on a book tour for his bestselling memoir, Hitch-22 , Christopher Hitchens was stricken in his New York hotel room with excruciating pain in his chest and thorax. As he would later write in the first of a series of award-winning columns for Vanity Fair, he suddenly found himself being deported "from the country of the well across the stark frontier that marks off the land of malady." Over the next eighteen months, until his death in Houston on December 15, 2011, he wrote constantly and brilliantly on politics and culture, astonishing readers with his capacity for superior work even in extremis.
Throughout the course of his ordeal battling esophageal cancer, Hitchens adamantly and bravely refused the solace of religion, preferring to confront death with both eyes open. In this riveting account of his affliction, Hitchens poignantly describes the torments of illness, discusses its taboos, and explores how disease transforms experience and changes our relationship to the world around us. By turns personal and philosophical, Hitchens embraces the full panoply of human emotions as cancer invades his body and compels him to grapple with the enigma of death.
MORTALITY is the exemplary story of one man's refusal to cower in the face of the unknown, as well as a searching look at the human predicament. Crisp and vivid, veined throughout with penetrating intelligence, Hitchens's testament is a courageous and lucid work of literature, an affirmation of the dignity and worth of man.
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作者 文/石劍峰 發錶於2011-12-20 英國作傢剋裏斯托弗·希欽斯(Christopher Hitchens)可能是這世界上最狷狂的作傢、知識分子,他一輩子都在跟人爭辯,或者說——吵架。他還是酒鬼、癮君子,某種程度上也是個雙性戀者,永遠精力旺盛、在不同戰場與人決鬥,甚至與...
評分流動的生活 我們的恐懼 在我們的印象中,生於1925年的社會學傢齊格濛•鮑曼,似乎應該屬於過去的20世紀,他見證瞭無數的災難和戰爭,但從未放棄過跟上生活的潮流與步伐。《來自液態現代世界的44封信》這本著作,取自於他在2008年至2009年間給《女性共和國》雜誌寫的專欄...
評分知道這位作傢剋裏斯托弗.希欽斯(Christopher Hitchens),是看他和前英國首相在加拿大舉行的關於宗教的辯論(注:宗教對社會有益嗎 2010 11 26)開始的,一個多小時,希金斯,幽默風趣,敏捷機智。當時的他,已經癌癥晚期,擴散的到處都是,剛剛跟傢人度過感恩節,第二天便飛...
評分《人之將死》記錄的是剋裏斯托弗•希欽斯一生中最後的一段時光。不同於《相約星期二》中老莫裏的坦然,也不同於太宰治在《人間失格》中的淒美,希欽斯在這段時光中依舊充滿著鬥誌。隻不過這一次,他的對手——死亡——是無法戰勝的。 希欽斯一生都是個鬥士。號稱是當代最狷...
圖書標籤: 死亡 美國文學 隨筆 英語 英文原版 生活 歐美文學 散文隨筆
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