The Immoralist 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
你年少的时候,自己束上带子,到你愿意去的地方; 你年老的时候,你要伸出手来,别人要把你束上,带你到不愿意去的地方。 思想有他们的地理,也有他们目标,如果你无论走在哪里,都需要一个坐标给予方向。安德烈纪德被誉为法国人行走的坐标。他作品中透露出的能量让人晕头转向...
评分 评分喜欢André Gide始于Les Nourritures terrestres(《人间食粮》),那些充满着异域芳香的句子,那些散发出魅人光彩的章节段落,难免令人读后心旌摇荡,恨不能马上打点行囊,跟随这个不安分的人partir en route,从此浪迹世界每个角落,穷尽感官的任何一种可能性。无怪乎纪德曾...
评分第二部第二章读了两遍。对于梅纳尔克的魅力不能抗拒。 百度《背德者》中的梅纳尔克时,并没有相关过多的解析甚至简单的介绍。百度资源太少了,真想翻墙去法国论坛讨论一番。 首先,通过米歇尔的描述,梅纳尔克非常特立独行、桀骜不驯,就是我们书里常学的“五柳先生”那种形象...
评分图书标签: 小说 法国文学 AndréGide 纪德 存在主义 英文原版 纪德耍帅 外国
'To know how to free oneself is nothing; the arduous thing is to know what to do with one's freedom' - Andre Gide. Michel had been a blindfold scholar until, newly married, he contracted tuberculosis. His will to recover brings self-discovery and the growing desire to rebel against his background of culture, decency and morality. But the freedom from constraints that Michel finds on his restless travels is won at great cost. And freedom itself, he finds, can be a burden. Gide's novel examines the inevitable conflicts that arise when a pleasure seeker challenges conventional society and, without moralizing, it raises complex issues involving the extent of personal responsibility.
still confusing, what can I do with it?
评分Readable, narcissistic, dark, and pleasingly pessimistic
The Immoralist 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书