Edward Said was born in Jerusalem in 1935. In 1951 he attended a private preparatory high school in Massachusetts, America and he went on to study at Princeton University for his BA and at Yale for his MA and PhD. He became University Professor of English and Comparative Literature at Columbia Unversity. Said was bestowed with numerous honorary doctorates from universities around the world and twice received Columbia's Trilling Award and the Wellek Prize of the American Comparative Literature Association. He is best known for describing and critiquing 'Orientalism' and his book on the subject was published in 1978. He died in 2003.
Culture and Imperialism 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
翻译得实在太草率了吧,错误一堆一堆不说,连正文和注释提到的书名/人名都没有统一,这个是最起码的吧。 而且译者的汉语感觉似乎很有问题,好多句子那个“的”多得都数不过来。 好书不能烂翻!
图书标签: 文化研究 Said 文艺理论 文论 萨义德 批判理论 批評 历史
Following his profoundly influential study, "Orientalism", Edward Said now examines western culture. From Jane Austen to Salman Rushdie, from Yeats to media coverage of the Gulf War, "Culture and Imperialism" is a broad, fierce and wonderfully readable account of the roots of imperialism in European culture.
评分好有立场,好有内容,好有思想,好有文采。。最后升华地我的小心脏都颤了, i want to live as an exile and search for the migration in my soul!
Culture and Imperialism 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书