Herbert A. Simon is Chaired Professor in psychology and computer science at Carnegie Mellon University. Awarded the Nobel Prize in Economics in 1978, Professor Simon currently works in the field of artificial intelligence.
Administrative Behavior, 4th Edition 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书
《管理行为》读书笔记 决策制定的过程是组织和管理的核心内容。作为决策理论学派的代表人物,西蒙在导言中就明确表述了本书的宗旨:“介绍从组织决策过程的角度来理解组织”。 一、新的概念框架:管理原则为什么不可行? 20世纪初期,古典管理时期的管理学者根据管理实践和研究...
评分几年前就读过,后来又陆陆续续翻看。一直感觉很经典,但却不能完全把握。 最近在研究企业决策与数据分析,看到达文波特写的关于数据分析支撑企业决策的论著,于是结合企业的科学决策展开了一些研究和探寻。 一方面发现现代心理学对于企业管理决策中的很多问题给出了进一步的...
评分赫伯特·西蒙的迷人之处在于,不仅仅高智商,9 个博士学位,获得计算机领域最高奖的图灵奖、心理学最高荣誉美国心理学会终身贡献奖以及诺贝尔经济学奖,还在于他自始至终对人类理性的关注,是人工智能、信息处理、决策制定、问题解决、注意力经济、组织行为学、复杂系统等当代...
评分还没到欣赏这样的著作的理解水平。匆匆翻下,摘录一点启发性的东西。 1、人类对流入信息的关注时间是具备稀缺性的,衍生讲开,做事一定要讲求注意力控制原则,根据时间期限的灵活性限制事物的数量; 2、大师的直觉就是分析,大师的记忆中存储了大量的阵势,记忆中与该阵势相...
评分图书标签: 管理 Management 决策行为 Economics psychology Research 西蒙 管理咨询
In this fourth edition of his ground-breaking work, Herbert A. Simon applies his pioneering theory of human choice and administrative decision-making to concrete organizational problems. To commemorate the fiftieth anniversary of the book's original publication, Professor Simon enhances his timeless observations on the human decision-making process with commentaries examining new facets of organizational behavior. Investigating the impact of changing social values and modem technology on the operation of organizations, the new ideas featured in this revised edition update a book that has become a worldwide classic.
Named by Public Administration Review as "Book of the Half Century," Administrative Behavior is considered one of the most influential books on social science thinking, and was referred to by the Nobel Committee as "epoch-making."
Written for managers and other professionals who wish to understand the decision-making processes at the heart of organization and management, it is also essential reading for students in business and management, economics, sociology, psychology computer science, government, and law.
Find out more: Read an excerpt
Book Information
Free Press, March 1997
Hardcover, 384 pages
ISBN-10: 0-684-83582-7
ISBN-13: 978-0-684-83582-2
Administrative Behavior, 4th Edition 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书