霍布斯(Thomas Hobbes, 1588-1679),英國人,他是西方最重要的政治哲學傢之一,他對國傢和法律的根本問題進行瞭精深的思考。主要著作有《利維坦》、《論公民》等。他的《利維坦》具有非凡的邏輯性和想像力,使政治哲學得到瞭一種邏輯嚴密的係統發揮,成為經世名著。
Thomas Hobbes s Leviathan is arguably the greatest piece of political philosophy written in the English language.Written in a time of great political turmoil(Hobbes s life spanned the reign of Charles l ,the Civil Wars,the Commonweaalth and the Protectorate,and the Restoratin),Leviathan is an argument for obedience to authority grounded in analysis of human nature.
Since its fiist pust publication in 1991 Richard Tuck s edition of leviathn has been recognised as the single most accurate and authoritative text,and for this revised edition professor Tuck has provided a much-amplified and expanded introduction,which will provide students unfamiliar with Hobbes with a cogent an accessible introduction to this most challenging of texts.Other vital aids to study include an extensive guide to further reading ,a note on textual matters,a chronology of important events and brief biographies of important persons mentioned in Hobbes s text.
Richard Tuck is Professor of Government at Harvard University.
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今天,當我們談到民主與專製時,恐怕沒有人會懷疑兩者孰優孰劣。似乎曆史已經嚮我們證明瞭:專製是邪惡的、落後的、愚昧的象徵,民主是正義的、先進的、智慧的象徵,民主製度終將取代專製製度。 然而,這樣的普世觀念是我們自己認真思考後得齣的結論嗎?這其中是否摻雜有偏見?...
評分這次抗疫,引發全國以舉國之力,眾誌成城,發揮瞭體製優勢。看到武漢方艙病床上的小夥子,看福山的“政治秩序的起源”。其實,想瞭解國傢體製的起源,他應該看這本書-利維坦。 該書在本科時,是政治哲學必讀書。但真正讀懂,是在畢業以後。利維坦是聖經裏的巨大怪物,作者霍布...
評分 評分圖書標籤: 霍布斯 政治哲學 哲學 政治學 政治 經典 古典哲學 philosophy
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