The text of this Norton Critical Edition is based on Eleanor Marx Aveling's celebrated translation, revised by Paul de Man. Margaret Cohen's careful editorial revision modernizes and renews Flaubert's stylistic masterpiece. In addition, Cohen has added to the Second Edition a new introduction, substantially new annotations, and twenty-one striking images, including photographs and engravings, that inform students' understanding of middle-class life in nineteenth-century provincial France. In Madame Bovary , Flaubert created a cogent counterdiscourse that exposed and resisted the dominant intellectual and social ideologies of his age. The novel's subversion of conventional moral norms inevitably created controversy and eventually led to Flaubert's prosecution by the French government on charges of offending "public and religious morality." This Norton edition is the only one available that includes the complete manuscript from Flaubert's 1857 trial. "Criticism" includes sixteen studies regarding the novel's central themes, twelve of them new to the Second Edition, including essays by Charles Baudelaire, Henry James, Roland Barthes, Jonathan Culler, and Naomi Schor. A Chronology and Selected Bibliography are also included. About the Series : No other series of classic texts equals the caliber of the Norton Critical Editions . Each volume combines the most authoritative text available with the comprehensive pedagogical apparatus necessary to appreciate the work fully. Careful editing, first-rate translation, and thorough explanatory annotations allow each text to meet the highest literary standards while remaining accessible to students. Each edition is printed on acid-free paper and every text in the series remains in print. Norton Critical Editions are the choice for excellence in scholarship for students at more than 2,000 universities worldwide.
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我要去看包法利夫人們 所以這兩天在看原著 故事講的是情事 但每一個措辭福樓拜精挑細選 極力讓其與愛情無關 他故意用這樣的敘述結構: 男人把女人身上誘人的之處列成清單 得齣值得齣手的結論 根據自己的檔次對於搞定這女人有幾成把握 來製定戰略 分析齣她會吃哪套 迅速把自己如...
評分最近我重讀瞭《包法利夫人》,真是好看極瞭。 我第一次讀《包法利夫人》還是高三暑假。作為一個求知欲旺盛的16歲少女,那年夏天我囫圇讀瞭大量名著,滿腦子都是漿糊。那些漿糊在我腦子裏攪拌,充滿荷爾濛和夏天的氣息。其實我並不確切知道閱讀的意義,那時候的閱讀就像是迅速...
評分當然,題目中說到“終極”和“宿命”兩個字就夠讓人討厭的瞭,更何況堂而皇之地討論“文藝女青年”!但讀完《包法利夫人》,確實又想齣來侃兩句瞭。 前幾年流行著一首大齡文藝女青年王小姐的“西紅柿炒雞蛋”之歌,歌詞寫到,“不會做飯的文藝女青年,就隻能去當小三~~~”...
評分作為文學史上的裏程碑,《包法利夫人》在文學上的突破和局限,說的人已經太多瞭。包法利夫人作為經典的悲劇人物, 她的形象也早就被分析得透徹見底。我比較感興趣的是包法利先生。福樓拜說:“我就是包法利夫人”,我覺得很奇怪,他為什麼不說自己是包法利先生呢?全書以包法利...
圖書標籤: 文學 福樓拜 愛情 法國文學 法國 英語 法國文學 外國文學
A book about nothing; nothing but pure Art.
評分A book about nothing; nothing but pure Art.
評分A book about nothing; nothing but pure Art.
評分"每個人都是Emma Bovary."
評分實在是對我們老師想跟emma hang out的梗不能釋懷 真特麼賤人就是矯情
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