Madame Bovary 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
评分《包法利夫人》是一部带着喜剧色彩的悲剧故事,是滑稽的风俗画里卑微的小人物们碎碎念着家长里短,偶尔让人心酸扼腕,但终究在画框里在涂料下,隔了一层。作者站在高处袖手旁观,冷冷地嘲讽,却还是让我们不小心听到他深深的叹息。 中学的时候看这个故事,只觉繁华满目,被各...
评分如果中国有一本小说可以和《包法利夫人》媲美,就是《红楼梦》,我们真是可以粗暴地说,不懂《包法利夫人》,就不懂小说。 贴一篇我很多年前写的作业。最近买了周克希先生的版本,各有好处,我更习惯李建吾的。 先讲两个关于福楼拜写作《包法利夫人》的故事。 ...
评分大学时曾在校图书馆角落的外国文学一栏看见一本《包法利夫人》,记得是福楼拜的代表作,这类文学名著我大多是在义务制学年被老师推荐看的,但这一本老师只是匆匆略过不带任何评论。 我于是产生了兴趣——那些教育牺牲者不愿提及的东西肯定有其精彩的一面,我手里还捧着本《欧洲...
评分如果中国有一本小说可以和《包法利夫人》媲美,就是《红楼梦》,我们真是可以粗暴地说,不懂《包法利夫人》,就不懂小说。 贴一篇我很多年前写的作业。最近买了周克希先生的版本,各有好处,我更习惯李建吾的。 先讲两个关于福楼拜写作《包法利夫人》的故事。 ...
图书标签: 文学 福楼拜 爱情 法国文学 法国 英语 法國文學 外国文学
The text of this Norton Critical Edition is based on Eleanor Marx Aveling's celebrated translation, revised by Paul de Man. Margaret Cohen's careful editorial revision modernizes and renews Flaubert's stylistic masterpiece. In addition, Cohen has added to the Second Edition a new introduction, substantially new annotations, and twenty-one striking images, including photographs and engravings, that inform students' understanding of middle-class life in nineteenth-century provincial France. In Madame Bovary , Flaubert created a cogent counterdiscourse that exposed and resisted the dominant intellectual and social ideologies of his age. The novel's subversion of conventional moral norms inevitably created controversy and eventually led to Flaubert's prosecution by the French government on charges of offending "public and religious morality." This Norton edition is the only one available that includes the complete manuscript from Flaubert's 1857 trial. "Criticism" includes sixteen studies regarding the novel's central themes, twelve of them new to the Second Edition, including essays by Charles Baudelaire, Henry James, Roland Barthes, Jonathan Culler, and Naomi Schor. A Chronology and Selected Bibliography are also included. About the Series : No other series of classic texts equals the caliber of the Norton Critical Editions . Each volume combines the most authoritative text available with the comprehensive pedagogical apparatus necessary to appreciate the work fully. Careful editing, first-rate translation, and thorough explanatory annotations allow each text to meet the highest literary standards while remaining accessible to students. Each edition is printed on acid-free paper and every text in the series remains in print. Norton Critical Editions are the choice for excellence in scholarship for students at more than 2,000 universities worldwide.
评分"每个人都是Emma Bovary."
Madame Bovary 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书