Margaret Atwood is Canada's most eminent novelist, poet and critic. Her books include The Edible Woman, Surfacing, Lady Oracle, Alias Grace, Cat's Eye, which was short-listed for the Booker Prize and The Handmaid's Tale, which won both the Arthur C. Clarke Award for Science Fiction and the Governor-General's Award, was short-listed for the Booker Prize and made into a major film. She lives in Toronto with the writer Graeme Gibson and their daughter.
The Republic of Gilead offers Offred only one function: to breed. If she deviates, she will, like dissenters, be hanged at the wall or sent out to die slowly of radiation sickness. But even a repressive state cannot obliterate desire - neither Offred's nor that of the two men on which her future hangs...
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評分看書前就聽說這是個政治恐怖小說,果真,整本書裏,幾乎沒有一個對笑容的描寫,一些都是沉抑的,沒有情感的。故事圍繞著Offred (the Handmaid)的命運,她生活在一個做愛是為瞭繁殖,一切都由權威控製的社會。 一本很好的反烏托邦的書,由於一切都是虛幻的,所以有不少書評傢...
評分文明並不總是嚮前進的,也有可能是嚮後退的。一切都不會瞬間改變的,而是像溫水煮青蛙一樣,在你還沒有察覺的時候就已經被煮死瞭。作為女性個體,當你不再秉持“自立自強”的信念,而是屈服於“找個好男人嫁瞭”的模因時,那就該警醒瞭。 女性被剝奪瞭工作機會,凍結瞭銀行資産...
評分圖書標籤: 反烏托邦 加拿大 英文 小說 女權 Margaret-Atwood Atwood 科幻
剩下的一星給它depreasing的文風。 so,好好看書,好好寫分析essay
評分historical note 畫龍點睛
評分historical note 畫龍點睛
評分Our Shared Shelf上個月的書單。口語化的寫作,黑色幽默,女作傢的共同點都有瞭,可以說是女權版的《1984》~這本書被稱為是政治恐怖小說,但看多瞭微博上形形色色的短訊,故事本身對我便沒有那麼大的衝擊力瞭。Better never means better for everyone, it always means worse for some 。
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