Two months after the attacks of 9/11, the Bush administration, in the midst of what it perceived to be a state of emergency, authorized the indefinite detention of noncitizens suspected of terrorist activities and their subsequent trials by a military commission. Here, distinguished Italian philosopher Giorgio Agamben uses such circumstances to argue that this unusual extension of power, or "state of exception," has historically been an underexamined and powerful strategy that has the potential to transform democracies into totalitarian states.
The sequel to Agamben's "Homo Sacer: Sovereign Power and Bare Life, State of Exception" is the first book to theorize the state of exception in historical and philosophical context. In Agamben's view, the majority of legal scholars and policymakers in Europe as well as the United States have wrongly rejected the necessity of such a theory, claiming instead that the state of exception is a pragmatic question. Agamben argues here that the state of exception, which was meant to be a provisional measure, became in the course of the twentieth century a normal paradigm of government. Writing nothing less than the history of the state of exception in its various national contexts throughout Western Europe and the United States, Agamben uses the work of Carl Schmitt as a foil for his reflections as well as that of Derrida, Benjamin, and Arendt.
In this highly topical book, Agamben ultimately arrives at original ideas about the future of democracy and casts a new light on the hidden relationship that ties law to violence.
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“統治者將住宅公開,以便同時生活在公與私之中。” 直接用元首駐地代指政治活動中的國傢這一用語行為,現在看來,往往隻是能注意到元首作為公眾人物的一麵來理解此種用語。但上溯到羅馬傳統,其實就是在體現一種主權者的“私”的權威。而私則落足於具體的、有生命的主權者,真...
評分*本文為2017年5月6日北京民生美術館“民生理論講堂”的“哲學的現在:阿甘本思想論壇”的講演稿。(以“阿甘本論例外狀態”為題發錶於《馬剋思主義與現實》2018年第1期,第119-127頁)。 意大利哲學傢阿甘本(Giorgio Agamben,1942- )是當代歐洲哲學最重要的代錶之一,他的哲...
評分書評:主權在憲法以外的爭論﹕讀《例外狀態》(文:彭礪青) 作者﹕阿岡本(Giorgio Agamben) 譯者﹕薛熙平 齣版日期﹕2010年2月4日 齣版﹕麥田齣版 定價﹕港幣100圓 近十幾年間,納粹法學傢卡爾.施米特(Carl Schmitt)的作品在歐美重新被發掘,他在《政治神學》的本質論...
評分書評:主權在憲法以外的爭論﹕讀《例外狀態》(文:彭礪青) 作者﹕阿岡本(Giorgio Agamben) 譯者﹕薛熙平 齣版日期﹕2010年2月4日 齣版﹕麥田齣版 定價﹕港幣100圓 近十幾年間,納粹法學傢卡爾.施米特(Carl Schmitt)的作品在歐美重新被發掘,他在《政治神學》的本質論...
圖書標籤: Agamben 政治哲學 阿甘本 政治哲學 歐陸 例外狀態 political philosophy
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