The Road Less Traveled and Beyond 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
一: 对心理学产生兴趣大概可以追溯到12岁。小学毕业的那个暑假没有任何作业,徜徉在书海中。读到著名的吃葡萄理论。问自己,吃葡萄先从酸的吃起还是从甜的吃起?我在心里默答,酸的,我喜欢把爱吃的留在最后慢慢享受。 这本书给出的分析是,倘若从酸的吃起,那此人看似悲观...
评分“请你告诉我,离开这里应该走哪条路?”爱丽丝问。 “这要看你想上哪儿去,”猫说。 “去哪里,我不大在乎。”爱丽丝说。 “那你走哪条路都没关系。”猫说。 ----《爱丽丝漫游仙境》 关于目标的重要性,是一个已经说烂了的话题。这段童话里的小对话很精彩的描...
评分豆瓣上8.0 +的评分,写得比原书优秀得多的书评,漂亮的版次,再加上简洁的装帧,促使我做出一项错误的决定…… 从书柜上拎下来,翻读几页发现不妥,空气中似乎弥漫出忽悠的气味,再翻下去读完一章,确认原来这是一本玩弄概念的“心灵励志类”图书。既然买了,本来还打算把它读...
评分六七年前曾经翻译过一本书《The Road Less Traveled》,一位美国精神病医生M. Scott Peck写的关于痛苦、爱和成长的书。第一次在南京王学富老师的直面心理咨询中心读到这本书时有醍醐灌顶之感,觉得看过一遍还不过瘾,就着手将其翻译成中文。现在市面上有这本书的中文译本:《少...
评分由于同时看n多本书的缘故,《少有人走的路》这本书我看了许久许久。停顿与拖延并不是因为这本书不好,相反,恰恰是因为这本书足够好,书里面的一些内容的确是值得读者“细读+精读+反刍+回味”的。 最初,之所以打算看《少有人走的路》这本书,我是抱着意图省时省力地培养出一个...
图书标签: 心理学 人生 英文原版 派克 生活感悟 心理 traveled Psychology
The Road Less Traveled and Beyond is the culmination of a lifetime of Dr. M. Scott Peck's counseling, lecturing, and writing, and the conclusion of the "Road" trilogy. In it, we are led to a deeper awareness of how to live rich, fulfilling lives in a world fraught with stress and anxiety. With the rare combination of profound psychological insight and deep spirituality that has already spoken to millions of readers, Dr. Peck talks about decision making and the choices we make every day in business and at home, and the ethical choices that may affect the very survival of humankind. We learn the difference between good and evil, to overcome narcissism, to love and be loved, to live with paradox, to accept the consequences of our actions all through life, and to come to terms with dying and death. Dr. Peck is a guide on the adventure that is life, learning, and spiritual growthlife's greatest adventure. Building in depth and power from the very first chapter to its lyrical and poetic conclusion, The Road Less Traveled and Beyond is an adventure in itself.
评分三分之一。Androgynous Thinking
The Road Less Traveled and Beyond 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书