Walden 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
《瓦尔登湖》很像是指导人做人的教科书。 中学时代听说这本书陪伴海子走完了他最后的岁月,便好奇地看。断断续续,没有兴致,没有耐心。直到这个夏天,迫于某种任务的压力再把非剧情的文字串起来时,竟有种敬佩的感动。 作为一个哈佛毕业生,梭罗的归隐似乎比很...
评分《瓦尔登湖》哪个译本最好(附版本排序) 2010-06-19 08:10:07| 分类: 《瓦尔登湖》 |字号 订阅 (一) 这个问题是很多读者渴望得到解答的,但却不容易回答。有些解答很有意思。 有人说“我收有大概十个版本的……,所以我的发言应该是比...
评分http://www.phil.pku.edu.cn/personal/hehh/swsb/sp/03.htm 梭罗和他的湖 一 想为一本寂寞的书打破一点寂寞,此愿巳久,这本书就是梭罗的《瓦尔登湖》。 这本书在一八五四年出世时是寂寞的,它不仅没有引起大众的注意,甚至连一些本来应该亲近它的人也不理解,对...
评分 评分第一次准备读《瓦尔登湖》的时候我17岁,后来捧起了米兰昆德拉就再也没有翻开过梭罗一次了。有时候想想也有趣,如果那时候我不过度沉湎于昆德拉的情绪与情感之间,是不是此后的人生也不会执迷地以体验爱情来体验生活? 当然,这是玩笑话。 12年后,我惊喜地发现自己现在过的生...
图书标签: Thoreau 英文原版 哲学 Walden 梭罗 外国文学 美国 文学
Thoreau's literary classic, an elegantly written record of his experiment in simple living, has engaged readers and thinkers for a century and a half. This edition of Walden is the first to set forth an authoritative text with generous annotations. Thoreau scholar Jeffrey S. Cramer has meticulously corrected errors and omissions from previous editions of Walden and here provides illuminating notes on the biographical, historical, and geographical contexts of Thoreau's life. Cramer's newly edited text is based on the original 1854 edition of Walden, with emendations taken from Thoreau's draft manuscripts, his own markings on the page proofs, and notes in his personal copy of the book. In the editor's notes to the volume, Cramer quotes from sources Thoreau actually read, showing how he used, interpreted, and altered these sources. Cramer also glosses Walden with references to Thoreau's essays, journals, and correspondence. With the wealth of material in this edition, readers will find an unprecedented opportunity to immerse themselves in the unique and fascinating world of Thoreau. Anyone who has read and loved Walden will want to own and treasure this gift edition. Those wishing to read Walden for the first time will not find a better guide than Jeffrey S. Cramer.
评分只能说英文是一种在美与哲学面前乏力的语文 比陶渊明的诗文差远了 更不能和庄子比 不是一个层面的
评分假模假样吧 没人照顾会是另一个故事
评分8.4-8.7 弃。似乎之前看中文版我也读不下。啧_(:τ」∠)_
Walden 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书