The new book by Günter Grass is an autobiographical narrative. The story he unfolds is set between two of the central historical events of the 20th century, the outbreak of the Second World War on 1September 1939, for Grass the end of his childhood, and the Book Fair of October 1959, which saw one of the most important works of post-war German literature, his novel The Tin Drum, become a world bestseller. In his quest to discover the young man he was then, Grass exposes his memories like an archaeologist, layer by layer.
He brings his personal experience to light without reservation – war and captivity, the post- war years as a farm labourer, in the mines, at the Düsseldorf Academy of Art, his first literary successes. A portrait of the author as a young man emerges from the ever new succession of stories revealed by the »onion of memory«. Beim Häuten der Zwiebel is a work of literary research by an author who has never failed to take a stand, raising his voice and bearing witness.
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【讀品】羅豫/文 德國人反思曆史的誠懇態度是讓不少民族相形見絀的。久聞德國文學大師君特·格拉斯在其自傳《剝洋蔥》中,講述自己參加納粹黨衛軍的經曆,展現瞭一個知識分子的道德勇氣。瀏覽網上鋪天蓋地的媒體報道,忍不住隱隱猜測格拉斯是否真的在戰爭中犯下什麼滔天罪行。...
評分那天柏林牆倒下瞭,仿佛從未建立。洋蔥片剝落,仿佛從未生長。誕生者死去瞭,發生過的事被世界遺忘。沉默的傀儡師剪斷絲綫,遺棄木偶,而洋蔥一片一片地在棺槨中堆積。忘卻,一個正在迫近的死神,正在叩門。 那天我們都默許著一場水晶之夜,可是為什麼我隻是聽到瞭水晶碎裂的...
評分說齣來也是搞笑,每當我經曆一件令我記憶深刻的事時,我都會想想要是以後我寫本迴憶錄的話這件事該怎麼記敘。 記憶是怎麼樣的呢?從上麵一句話可以看齣,在我看來記憶是曖昧的,是模糊的,因為做一件事的動機往往不是單一的,而是復雜的,是綜閤考慮過的。那麼當我在迴憶的時...
評分摘自《新浪博客》 作者:歌特精靈 相比於島國狹隘、扭麯的民族自尊心和具不承認曆史罪行的軍國主義強硬態度,德國人對待曆史是中肯的,當然也是聰明的。當那些滔天罪行被暴光,駭人聽聞的集中營大屠殺的鐵證像強光一樣不容質疑的刺入德國人的眼睛,他們沒有選擇沉默,也...
圖書標籤: 德國 君特·格拉斯 外國文學 德語文學 德國文學 剝洋蔥 德語 Günter
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