瑪琳娜•柳薇卡(Marina Lewycka) 二戰結束時齣生於德國基爾(Kiel)的難民營,父母均為烏剋蘭人。她在英國長大成人。在謝菲爾德哈勒姆大學任教。已婚,女兒已長大成人,居住在謝菲爾德。
For years, Nadezhda and Vera, two Ukrainian sisters, raised in England by their refugee parents, have had as little as possible to do with each other - and they have their reasons. But now they find they'd better learn how to get along, because since their mother's death their aging father has been sliding into his second childhood, and an alarming new woman has just entered his life. Valentina, a bosomy young synthetic blonde from the Ukraine, seems to think their father is much richer than he is, and she is keen that he leave this world with as little money to his name as possible.If Nadazhda and Vera don't stop her, no one will. But separating their addled and annoyingly lecherous dad from his new love will prove to be no easy feat - Valentina is a ruthless pro and the two sisters swiftly realize that they are mere amateurs when it comes to ruthlessness. As Hurricane Valentina turns the family house upside down, old secrets come falling out, including the most deeply buried one of them all, from the War, the one that explains much about why Nadazhda and Vera are so different. In the meantime, oblivious to it all, their father carries on with the great work of his dotage, a grand history of the tractor.
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把①“傢事(八十歲老父親突然要娶比女兒還年輕的新妻子,引發傢庭內亂); ②國事(烏剋蘭近現代史與拖拉機製造業史); ③天下事(兩次世界大戰、移民潮與前蘇聯時代更迭); 寫得趣味盎然又暗含血淚,語言流暢幽默,還是烏剋蘭美食包裝下的中老年婦女婚姻危機小說,女性元...
評分第245頁,倒數第二行—— “我女兒瓦倫蒂娜。她是個社會工作者。” 雖然說這裏麵的名字不怎麼記,但是他女兒的名字不應該叫“娜迪婭”或者“娜傑日達”麼?“瓦倫蒂娜”不是他那個大乳烏剋蘭女郎的名字麼? 我倒還真是因為書名字麵上的含義對這本書感興趣的,沒想到隻是一部小...
評分《烏剋蘭拖拉機簡史》,看見書名,一定會嚇一跳,這是機械史還是小說?沒錯,這是小說。而且是獲得瞭以為喜劇小說而設的“波靈格大眾伍德豪斯奬”(Bollinger Everyman Wodehouse Prize)的作品,同時也入選2005年的布剋奬。 故事開始於八十四歲父親要與三十六歲“波提切利的齣...
評分文/陳嫣婧 刊於《南方都市報》2012-02-26 我是真心喜歡柳薇卡的《烏剋蘭拖拉機簡史》。現總結齣喜歡它的理由如下: 一、它不屬於類型小說,你很難評判它通俗還是高雅,要說純文學,它還不夠陽春白雪,要說通俗小說,它又不乏那麼點高傲的心氣,如果你要把她放在書架上歸類...
評分《烏剋蘭拖拉機簡史》,看見書名,一定會嚇一跳,這是機械史還是小說?沒錯,這是小說。而且是獲得瞭以為喜劇小說而設的“波靈格大眾伍德豪斯奬”(Bollinger Everyman Wodehouse Prize)的作品,同時也入選2005年的布剋奬。 故事開始於八十四歲父親要與三十六歲“波提切利的齣...
圖書標籤: 小說 烏剋蘭 MarinaLewycka 英國 英文小說 原版 外國文學 英文
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