An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书
初秋时去登山。青葱的山林中,一脉山涧顺势而下。我毫不怀疑这股清流将会绵延直至山脚,也坚信在不远的顶峰将会有这样的一个源头,活水不绝。即使在登顶之后,仍未见源头的一丝踪影,我关于源头的信念却不曾有丝毫的改变。 人类科学知识的进步何尝不像一条河流?基于环环相扣的...
评分初秋时去登山。青葱的山林中,一脉山涧顺势而下。我毫不怀疑这股清流将会绵延直至山脚,也坚信在不远的顶峰将会有这样的一个源头,活水不绝。即使在登顶之后,仍未见源头的一丝踪影,我关于源头的信念却不曾有丝毫的改变。 人类科学知识的进步何尝不像一条河流?基于环环相扣的...
评分 评分一直告诫自己莫要“以己之混混而令人之昭昭”,很少推荐书。但是今天读完大卫.休谟的《人类理智研究》,真心觉得是本好书。虽然是本哲学著作,但是休谟本人优美畅达(限于吕大吉的译本)的文辞,深入浅出,阅读中一点也不觉得他是在说很枯燥的哲学问题。我觉得大学生无论文理,...
图书标签: 哲学 休谟 Philosophy Hume 英国 经验主义 逻辑 知识论
A landmark of enlightenment though, HUme's An Enquiry Concerning Human understanding is accompanied here by two shorter works that shed light on it: A Letter from a Gentlemen to His Friend in Edinburgh, hume's response to those accusing him of atheism, of advocating extreme scepticism, and of undermining the foundations of morality; and his Abstract of A Treatise of HUman Nature, which anticipates discussions developed in the Enquiry. In his concise Introduction, Eric Steinberg explores the conditions that led to write the Enquiry and the work's important relationship to Book 1 of Hume's A Treatise of Human Nature.
评分People only become familiar with the motion billiard ball, without asking why, they still can't explain the motion.
评分高能逻辑练习册之 夷为平地的世界观...
评分People only become familiar with the motion billiard ball, without asking why, they still can't explain the motion.
An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书