A landmark of enlightenment though, HUme's An Enquiry Concerning Human understanding is accompanied here by two shorter works that shed light on it: A Letter from a Gentlemen to His Friend in Edinburgh, hume's response to those accusing him of atheism, of advocating extreme scepticism, and of undermining the foundations of morality; and his Abstract of A Treatise of HUman Nature, which anticipates discussions developed in the Enquiry. In his concise Introduction, Eric Steinberg explores the conditions that led to write the Enquiry and the work's important relationship to Book 1 of Hume's A Treatise of Human Nature.
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When we go through libraries, convinced of these principles, what havoc must we make? If we take in our hand any volume - of divinity or school metaphysics, for instance - let us ask, Does it contain any abstract reasoning about quantity or number? No. Does...
評分休謨的這本書我主要關心他如何考慮瞭人的知識形成。其他關於自由以及神跡部分不感興趣。 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 考察對象 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 考慮兩類研究對象:第一是觀念的關係,第二是實際的事情。前者是純粹靠人的思考就可以進行。最典型的是數...
評分初鞦時去登山。青蔥的山林中,一脈山澗順勢而下。我毫不懷疑這股清流將會綿延直至山腳,也堅信在不遠的頂峰將會有這樣的一個源頭,活水不絕。即使在登頂之後,仍未見源頭的一絲蹤影,我關於源頭的信念卻不曾有絲毫的改變。 人類科學知識的進步何嘗不像一條河流?基於環環相扣的...
評分有人說,休謨主要的貢獻在於對因果關係和歸納法的懷疑上,對於人性的理論就顯得平淡無奇。這裏無非是指觀念和印象的劃分。其實,全書是一個邏輯嚴密的演繹體係,而觀念與印象的劃分起到的就是笛卡爾“我思故我在”的邏輯起點的作用。 即使在心理學積澱空前豐富的今天,...
圖書標籤: 哲學 休謨 Philosophy Hume 英國 經驗主義 邏輯 知識論
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評分高能邏輯練習冊之 夷為平地的世界觀...
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