Eugenia Lean is Assistant Professor of History at Columbia University.
Public Passions 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
很难想象,如此薄的一本书竟然探讨了民国政治、军阀威权、法理、女性、公共领域、现代性、国家的想象、传媒力量等诸多话题。作者言简意赅、行文流畅,史料运用做了最简化的处理,但完全不影响对观点的阐述。 然而作者给自己设下了一个陷阱,在厘清了法治、礼治、人情、...
评分看完之后有点晕,自己水平不够!但让我想到了最近的贾敬龙案件! 这是要写读书报告的,感觉会往情治与法治这方面写! 经历了上台讲ppt(听说我的手是抖的,声音也是)。 老师,讲评,又往深处讲了。中国自古以来就是血亲仇恨是必报,只有过了九代才可以不报,所以得到特赦是很...
评分图书标签: 海外中国研究 历史 民国 近现代史 民國 中国 社会史 文化研究
In 1935, a Chinese woman by the name of Shi Jianqiao murdered the notorious warlord Sun Chuanfang as he prayed in a Buddhist temple. This riveting work of history examines this well-publicized crime and the highly sensationalized trial of the killer. In a fascinating investigation of the media, political, and judicial records surrounding this cause célèbre, Eugenia Lean shows how Shi Jianqiao planned not only to avenge the death of her father, but also to attract media attention and galvanize public support. Lean traces the rise of a new sentiment--"public sympathy"--in early twentieth-century China, a sentiment that ultimately served to exonerate the assassin. The book sheds new light on the political significance of emotions, the powerful influence of sensational media, modern law in China, and the gendered nature of modernity.
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Public Passions 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书