Lydia H. Liu is Helmut F. Stern Professor of Chinese Studies at the University of Michigan.
What is lost in translation may be a war, a world, a way of life. A unique look into the nineteenth-century clash of empires from both sides of the earthshaking encounter, this book reveals the connections between international law, modern warfare, and comparative grammar--and their influence on the shaping of the modern world in Eastern and Western terms.
The Clash of Empires brings to light the cultural legacy of sovereign thinking that emerged in the course of the violent meetings between the British Empire and the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911). Lydia Liu demonstrates how the collision of imperial will and competing interests, rather than the civilizational attributes of existing nations and cultures, led to the invention of "China," "the East," "the West," and the modern notion of "the world" in recent history. Drawing on her archival research and comparative analyses of English--and Chinese--language texts, as well as their respective translations, she explores how the rhetoric of barbarity and civilization, friend and enemy, and discourses on sovereign rights, injury, and dignity were a central part of British imperial warfare. Exposing the military and philological--and almost always translingual--nature of the clash of empires, this book provides a startlingly new interpretation of modern imperial history.
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語詞的衝突絕非小事,它凝聚和反映的是兩個帝國之間的生死鬥爭,一邊是日趨衰落的大清國,另一邊是蒸蒸日上的大英帝國。誰擁有對“夷”這個漢字的最後的詮釋權,誰就可以躊躇滿誌地預言這個國傢的未來。 ——劉禾 語言文字隻是黑暗世界的一盞燈,産生實際塑造作用的大部...
評分劉禾的書研究的是符號在跨語言的過程中發生變化,以觀察帝國的碰撞,具體而言是近代中西方的衝突曆史。現在我主要讀瞭第一、二、三章。 劉禾說這本書是她在翻閱大量鴉片戰爭時期的外交公文時獲得的靈感。在第二三章中,她選擇瞭一個漢字中的“夷”作為論點,其實用她的方法論,...
評分這本書的內容是關於“19世紀以來圍繞主權想象的跨文化知識傳統和話語政治”。與很多近代史研究的著作不同,它的關注點放在瞭語言等錶意符號上的政治碰撞——“跨語際”的主權想象和衝突上麵。 該書所著重分析的幾個符號事件,如衍指符號“夷/i/barbarian”的創造、《新約全書...
評分語詞的衝突絕非小事,它凝聚和反映的是兩個帝國之間的生死鬥爭,一邊是日趨衰落的大清國,另一邊是蒸蒸日上的大英帝國。誰擁有對“夷”這個漢字的最後的詮釋權,誰就可以躊躇滿誌地預言這個國傢的未來。 ——劉禾 語言文字隻是黑暗世界的一盞燈,産生實際塑造作用的大部...
圖書標籤: 海外中國研究 劉禾 曆史 翻譯 近現代史 Lydia_H.Liu 國際關係 中國史學研究
Many good insights, not sure if the jargons are necessary though.
評分為瞭引齣所謂的亮點super sign,鋪墊瞭不少語言學符號學的概念,其實直接說翻譯引發的一場血案不就完瞭嗎?不知道該怎麼理解這本書,使用一個晦澀的理論來解讀曆史?還是用清英帝國碰撞來論證這套理論?另外不明白反復提到的sovereign thinking是什麼意思,求科普
評分有次和係裏一個老師在辦公室小廚房互相吹捧對方做的午飯並黑各種fast food,這個老師據傳是個川菜鐵粉,給我說,我導(劉禾)說三明治都是barbarian food!我:2333333不能同意更多!然後看這本書好像更明白瞭劉禾為啥用瞭barbarian這個詞瞭哈哈哈
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