彭慕兰(Kenneth Pomeranz),美国加利福尼亚大学尔湾分校历史系主任、历史和东亚语言文学教授,加州大学系统世界史研究组主任。其大部分著作围绕着中国和比较经济发展、农村社会变革、环境变革及政府的形成等展开研究,但也著有民间宗教史和家庭结构及性别角色史方面的著作。
The Great Divergence 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
此书作者彭慕兰是著名历史学家,汉学家,“加州学派”代表人物,曾担任美国历史学派会长。我认为彭慕兰先生的《大分流》这本书并不能够被称为完全的社会学著作。而更像是对于18世纪前后中国与英国的经济历史视角的分析。 18世纪时,中国与英国的发展道路分道扬镳。英国走向了工...
评分时尚的塑造——大分流读后感 大分流是我读的第三本英文原著,虽然有中文译本,而且翻译的也不错,但是为了练习英语我还是选择了读英文本,然后情况往往是读着读着就迷失了,不知所云,更找不到逻辑,此时,只好在拿着中文本的对照一下,最要命的对于这方面的背景和积累很少。以...
评分- 這本應該是歷史學中加州學派的重要經典,英文版本出版於1999年。台灣及中國大陸分別於2004及2008年曾出過其譯著,今次台灣衛城再出一版。 - 內容有甚麼不一樣就不太知道,有興趣者可自行找來比較。不過值得注意的是,台版兩版的譯者不一樣,而大陸版的譯者也不同,是故幾版應...
评分周锡瑞老师以前的1500字命题作文,我就不介绍书了。 十年之后,当彭慕兰先生《大分流》一书仍被不断提及和争论时,即便是持反对意见的学者,也不会不承认此书的经典意义。诚如许多学者已经提出的批评那样,我认为彭氏在此书中即便不是刻意“抬升”了中国各方面与西欧不相伯仲...
图书标签: 经济史 历史 海外中国研究 大分流 比较经济史 经济 汉学 中国
The Great Divergence brings new insight to one of the classic questions of history: Why did sustained industrial growth begin in Northwest Europe, despite surprising similarities between advanced areas of Europe and East Asia? As Ken Pomeranz shows, as recently as 1750, parallels between these two parts of the world were very high in life expectancy, consumption, product and factor markets, and the strategies of households. Perhaps most surprisingly, Pomeranz demonstrates that the Chinese and Japanese cores were no worse off ecologically than Western Europe. Core areas throughout the eighteenth-century Old World faced comparable local shortages of land-intensive products, shortages that were only partly resolved by trade.
Pomeranz argues that Europe's nineteenth-century divergence from the Old World owes much to the fortunate location of coal, which substituted for timber. This made Europe's failure to use its land intensively much less of a problem, while allowing growth in energy-intensive industries. Another crucial difference that he notes has to do with trade. Fortuitous global conjunctures made the Americas a greater source of needed primary products for Europe than any Asian periphery. This allowed Northwest Europe to grow dramatically in population, specialize further in manufactures, and remove labor from the land, using increased imports rather than maximizing yields. Together, coal and the New World allowed Europe to grow along resource-intensive, labor-saving paths.
Meanwhile, Asia hit a cul-de-sac. Although the East Asian hinterlands boomed after 1750, both in population and in manufacturing, this growth prevented these peripheral regions from exporting vital resources to the cloth-producing Yangzi Delta. As a result, growth in the core of East Asia's economy essentially stopped, and what growth did exist was forced along labor-intensive, resource-saving paths--paths Europe could have been forced down, too, had it not been for favorable resource stocks from underground and overseas.
He wants to provide some "surprising" answer after rejecting previous explanations, but his answer is banal.
评分One very long argument.
评分归根结底,【王国斌 彭慕兰 Goldstone 李中清】 vs 【Elvin 黄宗智 Bryant】的战争核心是不是“结构 与 事件”之争呢?前者重视的是东西方短时段“结构”中的相似性,并赋予“事件”关键性的意义,而后者更偏重长时段“结构”的作用和其中体现的东西方发展轨迹的根本差异。
评分a must-read (though not an easy-read) for comparative world history
The Great Divergence 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书