斯蒂文•米爾豪瑟(Steven Millhauser,1943-),美國重量級作傢,曾獲美第契外國文學奬(1975年)、世界奇幻文學奬(1990年)、普利策奬(1997年)等多項大奬。米爾豪瑟的小說極具創新精神,涵蓋偵探、哥特、愛情、奇幻等各種題材,故事可讀性強,且寓意深刻;他的敘事技巧多變,語言凝練,受到厄普代剋尊崇。其短篇小說《魔術師艾森海姆》(Eisenheim the Illusionist)曾被拍成電影《魔術師》(The Illusionist),獲得巨大成功。其代錶作有:《艾德文•穆爾豪斯》、《馬丁•德塞勒:一位美國夢幻傢的傳說》、《飛刀錶演者》、《危險的大笑》等。
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I learned about Steven Millhauser after the New York Times selected Dangerous Laughter as one of the best books of 2008. I loved that book so much that I scooped up The Knife Thrower the second I saw it in the bookstore. The Knife Thrower is a bit more unev...
評分I learned about Steven Millhauser after the New York Times selected Dangerous Laughter as one of the best books of 2008. I loved that book so much that I scooped up The Knife Thrower the second I saw it in the bookstore. The Knife Thrower is a bit more unev...
評分I learned about Steven Millhauser after the New York Times selected Dangerous Laughter as one of the best books of 2008. I loved that book so much that I scooped up The Knife Thrower the second I saw it in the bookstore. The Knife Thrower is a bit more unev...
評分這個鎮比我原來想象的還要糟糕。我慢慢路過鎮上一傢破落不堪的磚建築造紙廠(其窗戶都用木闆釘瞭起來),路過一排排褪色而且牆皮剝落的兩傢共住的房子(前廊已經變形,身穿黑色T 恤衫的男人在那裏喝啤酒),路過文身屋和水流緩慢的小溪。39 號縣級公路在長滿野鬍蘿蔔花和黃色豚...
評分I learned about Steven Millhauser after the New York Times selected Dangerous Laughter as one of the best books of 2008. I loved that book so much that I scooped up The Knife Thrower the second I saw it in the bookstore. The Knife Thrower is a bit more unev...
圖書標籤: 斯蒂文·米爾豪瑟 小說 美國文學 美國 孫仲旭 外國文學 短篇 文學
飛刀錶演者 2024 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載