Sarah Bakewell was a teenage existentialist, having been swept off her feet by reading Sartre's Nausea, aged 16. She is the author of three biographies, including the bestselling How to Live: A Life of Montaigne, which won the Duff Cooper Prize for Non-Fiction and the National Books Critics Circle Award for Biography in the US, and was shortlisted for the Costa Biography Award and the Marsh Biography Award.
At The Existentialist Café 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书
评分 评分《存在主义咖啡馆:自由、存在和杏子鸡尾酒》这本书对存在主义哲学家、评论家、作家们的描写绘声绘色,甚至荡气回肠。胡塞尔、海德格尔、雅思贝尔斯、萨特、波伏娃、加缪、汉娜·阿伦特哪个不是他们那个年代的文化巨星,在风云激荡的20世纪,每个人都熠熠生辉,足以照耀普通人...
评分 评分萨特说,人,被判自由。 我们的一生都笼罩在自由之下,无所遁形。即使生活受到外在条件(体制、出身、性别等种种因素)的限制,我们仍然拥有自由。因为在种种限制之下,仍存在无数个可能性供我们选择。 直到失去意识的前一秒,我们都能够运用与生俱来的自由,从浩如烟海的可能...
图书标签: 存在主义 哲学 英文原版 萨特 历史 英国 人文 英文版
Paris, near the turn of 1933. Three young friends meet over apricot cocktails at the Bec-de-Gaz bar on the rue Montparnasse. They are Jean-Paul Sartre, Simone de Beauvoir and their friend Raymond Aron, who opens their eyes to a radical new way of thinking. Pointing to his drink, he says, "You can make philosophy out of this cocktail!"
From this moment of inspiration, Sartre will create his own extraordinary philosophy of real, experienced life – of love and desire, of freedom and being, of cafés and waiters, of friendships and revolutionary fervour. It is a philosophy that will enthral Paris and sweep through the world, leaving its mark on post-war liberation movements, from the student uprisings of 1968 to civil rights pioneers.
At the Existentialist Café tells the story of modern existentialism as one of passionate encounters between people, minds and ideas. From the ‘king and queen of existentialism’ – Sartre and de Beauvoir – to their wider circle of friends and adversaries including Albert Camus, Martin Heidegger, Maurice Merleau-Ponty and Iris Murdoch, this book is an enjoyable and original journey through a captivating intellectual movement. Weaving biography and thought, Sarah Bakewell takes us to the heart of a philosophy about life that also changed lives, and that tackled the biggest questions of all: what we are and how we are to live.
评分萨特,胡塞尔,海德格尔 现象主义与存在主义,还有波伏娃
评分我们在年轻的时候容易被抽象的概念深深吸引,所以无法忘怀第一次读存在主义的时候那种昂起头直视太阳的温暖眩晕感,所以迫不及待得要去追寻萨特,波伏娃,庞蒂,加缪,雷蒙德阿隆,长长的name list。一直到自己也经历些人和事儿才会恍悟,产生这些概念思想的人,这些人所处的历史环境,对于理解这些概念,才是真正重要的关键所在。
评分是我的真愛之書了。存在主義從誕生到散播到世界各地 其中的一個角色都寫得很生動 不僅有他們的哲學思想文學戲劇 還有每個人背後的故事。非常全面細緻的一幅全景圖了。♥️波伏娃沒有得到她應有的認可 不理解海德格爾的為人處事 但還是給他benefit of doubt. 沒有一個人的一生是喜劇或者悲劇 這本書終究不是一群人的集體傳記 雖說都和存在主義有關 但其實每個人都特別不一樣。
At The Existentialist Café 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书