Sarah Bakewell was a teenage existentialist, having been swept off her feet by reading Sartre's Nausea, aged 16. She is the author of three biographies, including the bestselling How to Live: A Life of Montaigne, which won the Duff Cooper Prize for Non-Fiction and the National Books Critics Circle Award for Biography in the US, and was shortlisted for the Costa Biography Award and the Marsh Biography Award.
Paris, near the turn of 1933. Three young friends meet over apricot cocktails at the Bec-de-Gaz bar on the rue Montparnasse. They are Jean-Paul Sartre, Simone de Beauvoir and their friend Raymond Aron, who opens their eyes to a radical new way of thinking. Pointing to his drink, he says, "You can make philosophy out of this cocktail!"
From this moment of inspiration, Sartre will create his own extraordinary philosophy of real, experienced life – of love and desire, of freedom and being, of cafés and waiters, of friendships and revolutionary fervour. It is a philosophy that will enthral Paris and sweep through the world, leaving its mark on post-war liberation movements, from the student uprisings of 1968 to civil rights pioneers.
At the Existentialist Café tells the story of modern existentialism as one of passionate encounters between people, minds and ideas. From the ‘king and queen of existentialism’ – Sartre and de Beauvoir – to their wider circle of friends and adversaries including Albert Camus, Martin Heidegger, Maurice Merleau-Ponty and Iris Murdoch, this book is an enjoyable and original journey through a captivating intellectual movement. Weaving biography and thought, Sarah Bakewell takes us to the heart of a philosophy about life that also changed lives, and that tackled the biggest questions of all: what we are and how we are to live.
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存在主義對當代中國的意義 ——《存在主義咖啡館》讀後感 和《存在主義咖啡館》的相遇實在可稱得上“緣分”,當時正在讀《存在主義心理治療》讀得如癡如醉,在朋友的室友桌上瞥見瞭這本書,當時的我對“存在主義”這個字眼很敏感,略讀幾頁後就在網上下瞭訂單。 作為循著“存在...
評分一對情侶相差六年後,幾乎在同一時刻去世,法國都為兩個人舉行瞭國葬。 他們一生相伴五十多年,卻從未結婚,並且兩個人都情人不斷,甚至還共享過一個情人。 他們是二十世紀最偉大的兩位思想傢,倡導瞭二十世紀最重要的存在主義運動,他們的名字早就被供奉在神壇上,他們是中國...
評分今天把《存在主義咖啡館》看完,其實是當休閑讀物看的。翻閱豆瓣讀書裏的評價多有類似於“太八卦”、“不夠哲學”的意見。我想給予幾點反對的理由。 1、曆史是討論現代存在主義無法繞過的話題。 幾年前,我在寫作一篇有關存在主義與“共通感”的文章,參考瞭包括加繆、薩特、波...
評分不知各位是否看過法國文人相輕史。將視綫轉嚮二十世紀的法國哲學界,同樣充滿瞭立場上的聚閤、分離乃至對抗。Sarah Bakewell以咖啡的輕盈消解哲學的沉重與對抗性,以其物性平衡哲學的理性,存在主義由此顯得溫和、輕快、平易近人。正如本書始終試圖傳達的一個觀念:思想很有趣...
評分圖書標籤: 存在主義 哲學 英文原版 薩特 曆史 英國 人文 英文版
評分我們在年輕的時候容易被抽象的概念深深吸引,所以無法忘懷第一次讀存在主義的時候那種昂起頭直視太陽的溫暖眩暈感,所以迫不及待得要去追尋薩特,波伏娃,龐蒂,加繆,雷濛德阿隆,長長的name list。一直到自己也經曆些人和事兒纔會恍悟,産生這些概念思想的人,這些人所處的曆史環境,對於理解這些概念,纔是真正重要的關鍵所在。
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