Helen F. Siu is professor of anthropology at Yale University and founding director of the Hong Kong Institute for the Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Hong Kong.
Tracing China 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
人类学家萧凤霞与历史学共舞多年,在华南走过了四十载田野之路。她最新出版的文集用TracingChina为书名,与其说是”追踪”或”追溯”中国,不如说更像踏雪寻梅,细觅中国或隐或现的踪迹与轨迹。 当人类学家遇上历史学,她会变成怎样的人类学家?那要看产生何种的感情,是真爱还...
评分人类学家萧凤霞与历史学共舞多年,在华南走过了四十载田野之路。她最新出版的文集用TracingChina为书名,与其说是”追踪”或”追溯”中国,不如说更像踏雪寻梅,细觅中国或隐或现的踪迹与轨迹。 当人类学家遇上历史学,她会变成怎样的人类学家?那要看产生何种的感情,是真爱还...
评分人类学家萧凤霞与历史学共舞多年,在华南走过了四十载田野之路。她最新出版的文集用TracingChina为书名,与其说是”追踪”或”追溯”中国,不如说更像踏雪寻梅,细觅中国或隐或现的踪迹与轨迹。 当人类学家遇上历史学,她会变成怎样的人类学家?那要看产生何种的感情,是真爱还...
评分人类学家萧凤霞与历史学共舞多年,在华南走过了四十载田野之路。她最新出版的文集用TracingChina为书名,与其说是”追踪”或”追溯”中国,不如说更像踏雪寻梅,细觅中国或隐或现的踪迹与轨迹。 当人类学家遇上历史学,她会变成怎样的人类学家?那要看产生何种的感情,是真爱还...
评分摘要:耶鲁大学萧凤霞(Helen Siu)教授将她40年华南研究的成果付梓成书,这部书一方面可以理解为历史人类学视角的中国研究,另一方面又包含了作者的华南研究对历史人类学的诸多理论思考,包括文化、权力、空间、人的能动性以及结构化过程等。笔者尝试从本书中萧凤霞的10多篇民...
图书标签: 人类学 萧凤霞 政治社会学 社会学 历史 香港 anthropology 民族志
Tracing China chronicles forty years of fieldwork. The journey began from exploring rural revolution and reconstitutions of community in South China; it spans decades of persistent rural-urban divide and eventually uncovers China's global reach and Hong Kong's cross-border dynamics. Siu traverses both physical and cultural landscapes, examines how political tumults transform into everyday lives, and fathoms the depths of human drama amid China's frenetic momentum toward modernity. She highlights complicity, portraying how villagers, urbanites, cadres, entrepreneurs, and intellectuals—laden with historical baggage—venture forward. The question is: Have they become victims of the circumstances created by their own actions?
The essays are woven together by key themes in historical anthropology—culture, history, power, place-making, and identity formation, informed by critical social theories, and characterized by a careful scrutiny of fieldwork encounters and archival texts. Stressing process and contingency, Siu argues that culture and society are constructed through human actions with nuanced meanings, moral imagination, and contested interests. She challenges the perception that social/political changes are merely linear historical progressions. Instead, she traces layers of the past in present realities.
Tracing China 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书