Rupi Kaur is a writer based in Toronto, Canada. She studied Rhetoric and Professional Writing at the University of Waterloo. With a focus in poetry, she released her first book of prose and poems in November 2014. Throughout her poetry, photography, illustrations, and creative direction she engages with themes of femininity, love, loss, trauma, and healing. When she is not writing or creating art, she is travelling internationally to perform her spoken word poetry, as well as hosting writing workshops. You can find more of her work at --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.
Milk and Honey 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书
有一个女孩,从出生就缺少父爱,幼年时遭遇性侵伤害,终于有一天从噩梦中醒来,摆脱阴影去恋爱,不料又遭遇失恋……如何从绝望中找回真正的自己?是什么样的力量,支撑她跨过那些坎坷和忧伤,让她从黑暗中走向阳光? 她的名字叫“露比考尔”,印度裔加拿大人。她用极简的文字...
评分 评分每至黄昏我便划一个句号作别,当清晨你再叩响门扉之时,便声声都是惊喜。 翻开这本小书,像是翻开自己曾经的二十岁。烈日下难堪的挽留,花店被等待吞噬的手工小花,不明就里的独行,忐忑的、回想起来尽是虚浮的笑容……还有,从那一年开始突然中断,后来许多年都未曾再拾起的手...
评分印象中,我好久好久没有买过实体书,更别说这种带有塑封的书。 我好久好久没有看过纸质版的书,好多年了,平时一直看电子书。所以当我收到快递,拆开包装,看到这本带有塑封的《牛奶与蜂蜜》的时候,我的内心实在是欢呼雀跃的,我想想该用什么样的词语去形容会比较好呢?嗯,想...
图书标签: 诗歌 英文原版 Poetry 女性 英文 詩 English rupi
milk and honey is a collection of poetry and prose about survival. About the experience of violence, abuse, love, loss, and femininity.
The book is divided into four chapters, and each chapter serves a different purpose. Deals with a different pain. Heals a different heartache. milk and honey takes readers through a journey of the most bitter moments in life and finds sweetness in them because there is sweetness everywhere if you are just willing to look.
评分满脸问号??? New York Times best-seller , YouTube 上也看到推荐,翻开一看,简直是陆琪的英译摘抄,青春疼痛小黄书。
评分还挺好读的一本外国诗 看emma推荐了所以看了中文译本 其实都是作者这些年从小到大的经历 痛苦不堪的揭示着人权和人性的道理 不要用有色眼睛去看 内心脏的人看什么都脏。
评分或能一窥女性细腻而敏感的内心。但毕竟是个体经验,无法确定是否普遍规律。PS:@点金 同学推荐的时候说第一章有点儿黑暗,但其实还好,毕竟身为天蝎座,【黑暗】简直太对胃口了。另外,学到了好多小黄文写作技巧……
Milk and Honey 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书