Paul Auster is the bestselling author of Winter Journal, Sunset Park, Invisible, The Book of Illusions, and The New York Trilogy, among many other works. He has been awarded the Prince of Asturias Award for Literature, the Prix Médicis étranger, an Independent Spirit Award, and the Premio Napoli. He is a member of the American Academy of Arts and Letters, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and is a Commandeur de l'Ordre des Arts et des Lettres. He lives in Brooklyn, New York.
Paul Auster’s greatest, most heartbreaking and satisfying novel―a sweeping and surprising story of birthright and possibility, of love and of life itself: a masterpiece.
Nearly two weeks early, on March 3, 1947, in the maternity ward of Beth Israel Hospital in Newark, New Jersey, Archibald Isaac Ferguson, the one and only child of Rose and Stanley Ferguson, is born. From that single beginning, Ferguson’s life will take four simultaneous and independent fictional paths. Four identical Fergusons made of the same DNA, four boys who are the same boy, go on to lead four parallel and entirely different lives. Family fortunes diverge. Athletic skills and sex lives and friendships and intellectual passions contrast. Each Ferguson falls under the spell of the magnificent Amy Schneiderman, yet each Amy and each Ferguson have a relationship like no other. Meanwhile, readers will take in each Ferguson’s pleasures and ache from each Ferguson’s pains, as the mortal plot of each Ferguson’s life rushes on.
As inventive and dexterously constructed as anything Paul Auster has ever written, yet with a passion for realism and a great tenderness and fierce attachment to history and to life itself that readers have never seen from Auster before. 4 3 2 1 is a marvelous and unforgettably affecting tour de force.
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文/btr 刊於《周末畫報》(第1048期) 美國作傢保羅·奧斯特時隔七年後的首部長篇小說、長達840頁、入圍2017年布剋奬短名單的《4321》與其說是非典型的“偉大的美國小說”、通俗版的《小徑分叉的花園》或史詩級的成長小說,不如說是奧斯特將自身的諸多創作母題——巧閤、命運...
評分原文地址: 總有人跟弗格森講,人生就像一本書,故事從第一頁開始不斷嚮推進,—一直講到主人公在第二百零四頁或者九百二十六頁死掉為止,但現在,他為自己設想的未來起瞭變化,對時間的理解也起瞭變化。 ——《3.4》 一本書,封麵,...
評分文/btr 刊於《周末畫報》(第1048期) 美國作傢保羅·奧斯特時隔七年後的首部長篇小說、長達840頁、入圍2017年布剋奬短名單的《4321》與其說是非典型的“偉大的美國小說”、通俗版的《小徑分叉的花園》或史詩級的成長小說,不如說是奧斯特將自身的諸多創作母題——巧閤、命運...
評分文/btr 刊於《周末畫報》(第1048期) 美國作傢保羅·奧斯特時隔七年後的首部長篇小說、長達840頁、入圍2017年布剋奬短名單的《4321》與其說是非典型的“偉大的美國小說”、通俗版的《小徑分叉的花園》或史詩級的成長小說,不如說是奧斯特將自身的諸多創作母題——巧閤、命運...
評分年後,迴到南京傢裏,一眼便看見書桌上這本如此超厚之書,簡潔的封麵上寫著4321四個數字,我猜想著這簡單的四個數字背後會有著怎樣豐富的內容和有趣的故事,否則讀者怎麼會有興趣去閱讀完整本書? 其實,這本書最初吸引我的便是書名《4321》這幾個數字,我沒有去豆瓣查這本書的...
圖書標籤: PaulAuster 小說 保羅·奧斯特 外國文學 英文 原版 英語 美國
評分Sensational. Book of the year. ???????????????????????? Dob 1947.3.3????.
評分巨長 沒有必要的長 不過閱讀難度很低。一個戰後嬰兒在四個平行空間的前二十年的生活 大量的心理細節和生活細節的描述 有種看連續劇的感覺。順便開瞭書單和影單 可當作5 60年代的紐約左翼文化人的豆瓣清單使用 或者作者本人的自傳。本書最齣彩的地方我覺得是題目。
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