Meik Wiking is the CEO of the Happiness Research Institute in Copenhagen. He is committed to finding out what makes people happy and has concluded that hygge is the magic ingredient that makes Danes the happiest nation in the world.
The Little Book of Hygge: The Danish Way to Live Well 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
这本书唯一戳中我的就是用简短的文字区别了内向者和害羞的不同。 我们接受的教育,内向是等同于害羞的,语文的近义词,英语shy的翻译。 原文说:人们总是错误地将内向与害羞联系起来,认为内向者抗拒社交,只喜欢安静和独处,其实不然。内行者会乐于把自己的“社交时间”给他们...
评分看多了新闻和书籍,如今足不出户,也对这个世界产生了许多主观的认知——日本社会压力大,老龄人群境况堪忧、英国全年多雨,阴冷潮湿……而丹麦好像一跃成为最受眷顾的国家,成为众所周知的过敏幸福感最高的国家,在一个遥远的北欧国度,似乎寄托了我们对幸福的不懈追求。 丹麦...
评分恩,对的,木木(也就是本人)是这本书的译者。翻译这本书也是机缘巧合,因为先生是丹麦人,我对hygge这个词一点儿也不陌生,因为这是丹麦人的口头禅,他们总是说:“明天下午一起hygge?”或者“今天晚上真的很hyggelig......”。 突然有一天,以前出版社的同事发来一本书,...
评分今天在西西弗翻到了这本书,想寻找下幸福的奥秘。然后在最后一章,发现了幸福的根本立足点,就是社会为人民谋福利,全丹麦无穷人。好嘞,这就没咱们啥事了啊。 就算没有经济基础的缺失,中国人民也没有HYGEE的群众基础。活得像工蚁一样,还特别自我陶醉,努力到无法自...
评分恩,对的,木木(也就是本人)是这本书的译者。翻译这本书也是机缘巧合,因为先生是丹麦人,我对hygge这个词一点儿也不陌生,因为这是丹麦人的口头禅,他们总是说:“明天下午一起hygge?”或者“今天晚上真的很hyggelig......”。 突然有一天,以前出版社的同事发来一本书,...
图书标签: 北欧 lifestyle 生活 HYGGE Danish 生活风格 生活態度 hygge
The Danish word hygge is one of those beautiful words that doesn't directly translate into English, but it more or less means comfort, warmth or togetherness.
Hygge is the feeling you get when you are cuddled up on a sofa with a loved one, in warm knitted socks, in front of the fire, when it is dark, cold and stormy outside. It that feeling when you are sharing good, comfort food with your closest friends, by candle light and exchanging easy conversation. It is those cold, crisp blue sky mornings when the light through your window is just right.
Denmark is the happiest nation in the world and Meik puts this largely down to them living the hygge way. They focus on the small things that really matter, spend more quality time with friends and family and enjoy the good things in life. The Little Book of Hygge will give you practical steps and tips to become more hygge: how to pick the right lighting, organise a dinner party and even how to dress hygge, all backed up by Meik's years' of research at the Happiness Research Institute in Copenhagen.
This year live more like a Dane, embrace hygge and become happier.
一个小时能读完的书有方法论就好。舒心过生活 如果获得幸福感 增加仪式感。可以推荐给生活需要加点色彩的人。需要光,蜡烛和灯具。用主题把每个月定义。调查数据说明开心度。维尼熊说:你不需要拼写,你只要去感受
评分Wish to be part of the happiness institution one day.
评分Danish clothing的部分特别有趣
The Little Book of Hygge: The Danish Way to Live Well 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书