Amy Goldstein has been a staff writer for thirty years at The Washington Post, where much of her work has focused on social policy. Among her awards, she shared the 2002 Pulitzer Prize for national reporting. She has been a fellow at Harvard University at the Nieman Foundation for Journalism and the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study. Janesville: An American Story is her first book. She lives in Washington, DC.
A Washington Post reporter’s intimate account of the fallout from the closing of a General Motors’ assembly plant in Janesville, Wisconsin—Paul Ryan’s hometown—and a larger story of the hollowing of the American middle class.
This is the story of what happens to an industrial town in the American heartland when its factory stills—but it’s not the familiar tale. Most observers record the immediate shock of vanished jobs, but few stay around long enough to notice what happens next, when a community with a can-do spirit tries to pick itself up.
Pulitzer Prize winner Amy Goldstein has spent years immersed in Janesville, Wisconsin where the nation’s oldest operating General Motors plant shut down in the midst of the Great Recession, two days before Christmas of 2008. Now, with intelligence, sympathy, and insight into what connects and divides people in an era of economic upheaval, she makes one of America’s biggest political issues human. Her reporting takes the reader deep into the lives of autoworkers, educators, bankers, politicians, and job re-trainers to show why it’s so hard in the twenty-first century to recreate a healthy, prosperous working class.
For this is not just a Janesville story or a Midwestern story. It’s an American story.
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雖然本書事無巨細得記錄瞭Janesville這一藍領為主的“公司城鎮”的興衰,讓人對“鐵銹地帶”增加瞭瞭解,但隻是對這些藍領報以同情、而不分析藍領悲情背後的真正原因和提齣實質有效的解決方案,讓本書隻是一本無趣的碎碎念而無法提供真正的養分。 另外,本書和美國一貫的“應得...
評分作者:微塵(來自豆瓣) 來源: 《簡斯維爾 : 一個美國故事》【美】艾米•戈德斯坦 / 徐臻 / 中信齣版集團 / 2008年,華爾街投行接踵死去,次貸危機引發全美金融海嘯,並最終席捲全球。 2009年,受金融危機影響,美國最大汽車生産商通...
評分經濟衰敗,或許可以感嘆太陽底下並無新鮮事。互助和努力也不是新鮮事。但,阻撓呢?這是當我讀Janesville: An American Story這本書時,想到今年的鼕天,尤其感到難受的地方。 1 Project 16:49,這個奇怪的數字是什麼?是兒童在當天放學後到第二天上學之前的時間間隔。美國城市...
評分清晨7點零7分,最後一輛雪佛蘭塔霍(Tahoe)駛下生産綫。外麵的天還暗著,氣溫15華氏度(約零下9攝氏度),積雪厚33英寸—幾乎是12月降雪的最高紀錄—一陣刺骨的寒風橫掃過占地數英畝的停車場。 簡斯維爾裝配廠裏燈火通明,人頭攢動。準備走齣工廠迎接未知將來的工人,與陸續走...
評分圖書標籤: 美國 經濟 社會學 商業 FT年度最佳商業圖書奬 政治 英語 工人階級
雖然這本書是以敘事的方式基本平鋪瞭過程,但因此可讀性高讀起來快,給讀者提供瞭快速直接多方角度的what happened,而當時我仍在國內其實並不是很理解到底發生瞭什麼,所以此書彌補瞭許多我的空白。但確實不是一本善分析有深度的書。
評分Clinton cannot read people as well as Obama
評分這本同去年大熱的Hillbilly Elegy一樣,都可以作為對Trump獲勝的理解,Janesville是Wisconsin的一個縮影(32年來第一次投給共和黨)。內容關於2008年金融危機時,Jansville汽車産業的衰落,工人失業,傢庭流離,連鎖企業跟著倒閉。以及隨後幾年如何安撫、如何振興、for homeless children: project 16:49,藍領的美國夢。Janesville對國人很陌生,其實它曾經擁有GM曆史最悠久的工廠,主要産品綫是針對SUV,SUV需求下降後,工廠便也關閉。GM或Lear都是我曾耳熟的企業,如今也依舊還是令人自豪的大公司,人們不會忘記的嗎?希望有人記錄我們的國企下崗潮。評論待補。靠譜友鄰推薦。audible。
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