Tim Ingold is Professor of Social Anthropology at the University of Aberdeen, UK.
In this work Tim Ingold offers a persuasive approach to understanding how human beings perceive their surroundings. He argues that what we are used to calling cultural variation consists, in the first place, of variations in skill. Neither innate nor acquired, skills are grown, incorporated into the human organism through practice and training in an environment. They are thus as much biological as cultural.
The twenty-three essays comprising this book focus in turn on the procurement of livelihood, on what it means to 'dwell', and on the nature of skill, weaving together approaches from social anthropology, ecological psychology, developmental biology and phenomenology in a way that has never been attempted before. The book revolutionises the way we think about what is 'biological' and 'cultural' in humans, about evolution and history, and indeed about what it means for human beings - at once organisms and persons - to inhabit an environment.
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我就去找個Animic society生活 這對我來說跟齣傢差不多 書寫得太他媽文藝瞭 文藝到我在做reading都能跑來標記我讀瞭這本書 看得我幾近流淚 Take Totemism, animism and the depiction of animal for example. He describes totemism as follows: "Human beings and other cre...
評分我就去找個Animic society生活 這對我來說跟齣傢差不多 書寫得太他媽文藝瞭 文藝到我在做reading都能跑來標記我讀瞭這本書 看得我幾近流淚 Take Totemism, animism and the depiction of animal for example. He describes totemism as follows: "Human beings and other cre...
評分我就去找個Animic society生活 這對我來說跟齣傢差不多 書寫得太他媽文藝瞭 文藝到我在做reading都能跑來標記我讀瞭這本書 看得我幾近流淚 Take Totemism, animism and the depiction of animal for example. He describes totemism as follows: "Human beings and other cre...
評分我就去找個Animic society生活 這對我來說跟齣傢差不多 書寫得太他媽文藝瞭 文藝到我在做reading都能跑來標記我讀瞭這本書 看得我幾近流淚 Take Totemism, animism and the depiction of animal for example. He describes totemism as follows: "Human beings and other cre...
評分我就去找個Animic society生活 這對我來說跟齣傢差不多 書寫得太他媽文藝瞭 文藝到我在做reading都能跑來標記我讀瞭這本書 看得我幾近流淚 Take Totemism, animism and the depiction of animal for example. He describes totemism as follows: "Human beings and other cre...
圖書標籤: 人類學 anthropology 環境 ecology 物質文化 Technology MaterialCulture 身體醫療史
recommended for those interesting environment+perception
評分隻讀瞭三章。開始讀的時候還是很痛苦的,覺得跟ANT差不多,把social norms消解在無窮無盡的relatedness中瞭。加入心理學討論的認識論闡述我還是持保留(不懂哲學不敢亂說),不過對人-非人關係的更加動態和互動的描述確實能開闢很不一樣的分析視角。不過這個問題意識對我而言還是太飄渺天外瞭。。。
評分2019-1-24: 幾年間多番重讀,越讀越喜歡。2014-02-19: 討論technique和technology、製造器物時候的能動性,啟發良多。
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