剋利福德·格爾茲(Clifford Geertz,1926—2006),1926年生於美國加州,在俄亥俄州安蒂奧剋學院學習文學和哲學,1950年在該校獲哲學學士學位。之後進入哈佛大學,師從C.剋拉剋洪學習人類學並於1956年獲得人類學博士學位。曾先後在芝加哥大學、斯坦福大學、麻省理工學院、普林斯頓高等研究院社會科學部等著名學府講學或擔任教職。
The illusion that ethnography is a matter of sorting strange and irregular facts into familiar and orderly categories-this is magic, that is technology-has long since been exploded. What it is instead, however, is less clear. That it might be a kind of writing, putting things to paper, has now and then occurred to those engaged in producing it, consuming it, or both. But the examination of it as such has been impeded by several considerations, none of them very reasonable. One of these, especially weighty among the producers, has been simply that it is an unanthropological sort of thing to do. What a proper ethnographer ought properly to be doing is going out to places, coming back with information about how people live there, and making that information available to the professional community in practical form, not lounging about in libraries reflecting on literary questions. Excessive concern, which in practice usually means any concern at all, with how ethnographic texts are constructed seems like an unhealthy self-absorption-time wasting at best, hypochondriacal at worst. The advantage of shifting at least part of our attention from the fascinations of field work, which have held us so long in thrall, to those of writing is not only that this difficulty will become more clearly understood, but also that we shall learn to read with a more percipient eye. A hundred and fifteen years (if we date our profession, as conventionally, from Tylor) of asseverational prose and literary innocence is long enough.
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我以為要先讀此書,要先讀一讀格爾茲其人其事(好吧我剛入門或者還沒入門),我是在一篇《格爾茲訪談錄》裏簡單瞭解瞭一下他,最逗的莫過於格爾茲說當年決定學習人類學之前和女友希莉一起去拜訪米德時想的那樣“隨便你去搞什麼隻要叫它人類學就好瞭!” 這樣的想法我曾經...
評分一、 一位中規中矩的民族誌者的恰當之舉是到某地去,……並使這些信息能夠實實在在地為專業領域所用,而非閑置在圖書館被用於思考文學問題。(pp.1-2) 原文:What a proper ethnographer ought properly to be doing is going out to places, … and making that information ...
評分這本是一本他點評四位人類學傢的毒舌小書:列維斯特勞斯、馬林諾夫斯基、本尼迪特、埃文斯-普理查德的民族誌。重新翻開這本書,翻譯很是糟糕。但是開篇他對寫作者(Writer)和作者(Arthur)的區分,再次點醒瞭我。 這不僅僅隻是文學研究裏的名詞解析,而是直接涉及到兩種價值...
圖書標籤: 人類學 Geertz Anthropology 社會學/人類學 Clifford 研究方法 格爾茲 culture
sounds melodramatic
評分sounds melodramatic
評分I really want to know why he didnt talk in detail of Margaret Mead ...
評分講啥來著 暈瞭@@
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