The Woman in the Dunes 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
在日本文学中,安部公房与大江健三郎、三岛由纪夫三足鼎立。不过对于我国读者而言,安部公房的声名并不彰显,其作品也是默默无闻。 读了晦涩难懂的《箱男》之后,虽觉得安部公房的作品对读者并不“友好”,还是忍不住读了《砂女》。才发现出场顺序果然十分重要,《砂女》是部我...
评分安部公房常以荒诞无稽的情节曲折地隐喻现世中人的悲剧性命运。1962年创作的《砂女》,把这种存在的无奈和畏惧推向了一个艺术表现的高峰。那徒劳的西西弗斯式的反抗和最终无法逃逸的环境,莫不就是人类生存的终级象征。 《砂女》是让安部公房闻名世界的一部小说,是他创作生涯的...
评分 评分当你也被困沙丘时,情感、自尊已经对于自由的渴望也会被沙子所磨蚀吗?但都市难道不也只是大一点的沙丘吗,社畜无论到了哪都会是社畜,你所厌恶的现状无论到哪都只会维持不变吧,无论如何最终的结果你也只能接受。 但我并不觉得这种态度是悲观的、消极的,因为当人不报有希望的...
评分存在主義的精彩作品。藉由敘述一名昆蟲採集者無意間來到沙漠村落,被誘騙進入砂之監獄的故事,探討焦慮、圍困、自由,與存在之痛苦等課題。 砂,具有難以言喻的魅力,可惜安部的時代,混沌理論還沒成為顯學,不然精通數學的他,一定也會被單顆粒躍移的線性動力學所迷...
图书标签: 安部公房 日本文学 JP 閲讀 英语 英文原版 经典 日本
One of the premier Japanese novels in the twentieth century, "The Woman In The Dunes" combines the essence of myth, suspense, and the existential novel. In a remote seaside village, Niki Jumpei, a teacher and amateur entomologist, is held captive with a young woman at the bottom of a vast sand pit where they are pressed into shovelling off the ever-advancing sand dunes that threaten the village.
Holy crap...reading assignment for this weekend=____=J7B....sigh////
评分We are all encased in a huge box like sand dunes. Being imprisoned for so long, freedom becomes undesirable becuase we find security in our imprisonment. Or maybe, life in a nutshell is the most desirable, after all.
评分We are all encased in a huge box like sand dunes. Being imprisoned for so long, freedom becomes undesirable becuase we find security in our imprisonment. Or maybe, life in a nutshell is the most desirable, after all.
评分Holy crap...reading assignment for this weekend=____=J7B....sigh////
The Woman in the Dunes 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书