This refreshing book is yet another sign that the next generation of Buddhism is creative, cross-cultural and cross-disciplinary. Born in 1975 in Nepal, the author is among the generation of Tibetan lamas trained outside of Tibet, and he's also a gifted meditator. His brain activity has been measured during meditation, earning him the enviable sobriquet of "happiest man on earth." He fuses scientific and spiritual considerations, explaining meditation as a physical as well as a spiritual process. Mingyur Rinpoche knows from experience that meditation can change the brain. He experienced panic attacks as a child that he was able to overcome through intensive meditation. If diligently practiced, meditation can affect the "neuronal gossip"—his imaginative rendering of brain cell communication—that keeps us stuck in unhappy behaviors. The meditation master offers a wide variety of techniques, counseling ease in practice to avoid boredom or aversion. Less is more; practice shorter periods more often, he says. His approach will be especially welcome for anyone frustrated by meditation or convinced they're "not doing it right." This book is a fresh breath from the meditation room, written with kindness, energy and wit. Three cheers for a cheerful contemplative. (Mar. 6)
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The Joy of Living 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
世界上最快乐的人,莫过于永远不被自己脑中的念头烦扰的人。 在青岛上大学时,我买了这本书,那个时候一定有很多的苦恼吧,也许还有一些抑郁,总之是一种缘分让我遇到了这本书。 这是我看的第二本灵修类的书籍,第一本是《当下的力量》。 这本书把佛教的禅修和现代科学的论证结...
评分书摘: 你原本就是良善、完满,且圆满具足的。 困扰我多年的那些念头和情绪,其实是脆弱且刹那即逝的,观察念头和情绪如何迅速且经常不按逻辑地来来去去,念头和情绪并不像表相上看起来那样具体或真实。 我们为利益他人而做的努力,无论程度多少,都会得到千倍回报的学习和...
评分DAY69/100 《世界上最快乐的人》 0121 《世界上最快乐的人》的作者是咏给‧明就仁波切,当代禅修大师,1976年生于尼泊尔, 从小患有恐慌症,13岁借由禅修克服恐慌症,17岁被指派为闭关房上师,是藏传佛教史上最年轻的闭关上师。2002年参加美国威斯康星大学的实验研究,被测出...
评分惭愧,作为一个读书人,直到今年才试着开始读以往读过的书。过去太浮躁,只想着把自己读书的数量给刷上去,而忽略了读书的核心价值。读书有很多价值,对我个人而言最重要的就是还有开显智慧、改变自己。 这本书真的是不可多得的好书。我记得这两天看这本书的时候,我做了一个梦...
评分一时兴起想再读一遍,网上找了英文版,猛然发现有删减,原因大家自己想吧。所以建议有时间的话看看英文版的吧。(the joy of living: unlocking the secret and science of happiness) 确实是本好书,爱科学的我也服,从科学角度阐释心理的变化对大脑神经元和身体产生的变化。 ...
图书标签: 宗教 修行 佛教 心灵 冥想 藏传佛教 哲学 非虚构
This is my book on exile. It has a gentle voice to remind me to return to my base, a safe and caring space of self awareness and improvement without all the hype and boast. It is a gentle friend to remind you that, even in the chaotic life in Beijing, away from your usual space of poise and calm, you can always find oasis through self practice.
评分This is my book on exile. It has a gentle voice to remind me to return to my base, a safe and caring space of self awareness and improvement without all the hype and boast. It is a gentle friend to remind you that, even in the chaotic life in Beijing, away from your usual space of poise and calm, you can always find oasis through self practice.
评分This is my book on exile. It has a gentle voice to remind me to return to my base, a safe and caring space of self awareness and improvement without all the hype and boast. It is a gentle friend to remind you that, even in the chaotic life in Beijing, away from your usual space of poise and calm, you can always find oasis through self practice.
The Joy of Living 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书