Sally Rooney is the author of the novels Conversations with Friends and Normal People. Her writing has appeared in the New Yorker, the New York Times, the London Review of Books and elsewhere. Conversations with Friends was shortlisted for both the Dylan Thomas Prize and the Rathbones Folio Prize, and longlisted for the Desmond Elliott Prize. Rooney was also shortlisted for the Sunday Times EFG Short Story Award for 'Mr Salary' and was the winner of the Sunday Times/PFD Young Writer of the Year Award. Normal People was the Waterstones Book of the Year 2019 and won the Costa Novel of the Year in 2018. It was longlisted for the Man Booker Prize in 2018, as well as the Women's Prize for Fiction and the Rathbones Folio Prize in 2019. Sally Rooney co-wrote the television adaptation of Normal People which was broadcast on the BBC in 2020, and for which she was nominated for an Emmy award.
Beautiful World, Where Are You 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
评分 评分烂书 |《美丽的世界,你在哪里》 席勒说:“要在诗歌之中永垂不朽,必须在人世间灭亡”。 一 萨莉·鲁尼野心勃勃。《美丽的世界,你在哪里》书名出自席勒的名作《希腊的群神》。该节诗如是: 美丽的世界,而今安在? 大自然 美好的盛世,重回到我们当中! 可叹,只有在诗歌仙境...
评分如果要盘点最近几年正当红的青年作家,爱尔兰作家萨莉·鲁尼一定榜上有名。 从《聊天记录》到《正常人》再到最近的新作《美丽的世界,你在哪里》,鲁尼的每一部作品都堪称全球现象级畅销小说。其中,根据《正常人》(Normal People)改编的同名剧集,也掀起一轮收视狂潮,同时收...
评分你永远可以信任萨莉·鲁尼的文本结构。《Normal People》行云流水般的倒叙、插叙,带来读者新鲜的仿佛解密一般的阅读体验。每一章总是以新的时间线和新的人物关系动态来开启,然后再不慌不忙地展开,告诉读者是什么导致了这种新的动态。 而在新书《Beautiful World, Where Are ...
Alice, a novelist, meets Felix, who works in a distribution warehouse, and asks him if he'd like to travel to Rome with her. In Dublin, her best friend Eileen is getting over a break-up, and slips back into flirting with Simon, a man she has known since childhood.
Alice, Felix, Eileen and Simon are still young-but life is catching up with them. They desire each other, they delude each other, they get together, they break apart. They have sex, they worry about sex, they worry about their friendships and the world they live in. Are they standing in the last lighted room before the darkness, bearing witness to something? Will they find a way to believe in a beautiful world?
很失望,比前两部小说尤其normal people差太多了。人设苍白,用对话和email强塞下作者对一些问题的看法。尤其是Eileen和Simon的人设好单薄。一个把所有快乐建立在Simon身上而又嘴硬说做朋友吧。另一个号称爱Eileen但是做朋友做恋人都行看女方想怎样,拜托这不是30+了好么,像傻白甜渣男剧啊....靠对Sally Rooney的支持我竟然坚持读完了...从书里种草了The Golden Bowl,要去读读看。
评分alice最后的s音挪到开头,就成了sally。“So of course in the midst of everything, the state of world being what it is, human being on the cusp of extinction, here I am writing another email about sex and friendship. What else is there to live for?” 零度笔触的叙事和袒露心声的电邮相互对照,展示赛博左翼青年在小我经验中衍生的对世界的焦虑。能看出作者想要撑开小说主题的维度,甚至致敬乔伊斯,但力道不足,窗户纸总也捅不破,到头来就还是个轻飘飘的后青春疼痛恋爱物语,对照书名,这该算偏题吧。
评分快要三十岁或者已经三十岁的人可能真的需要这样一本书,在一个远处的世界里,虚构的人物如何在焦虑、怀疑和自我厌恶中,重新去体验这个世界,虽然看待世界的方式跟二十几岁的时候已经很不一样了,但又重新发现了关于爱与关怀的主题。在一个宏大的世界里,无法假装混乱和贫穷没有发生,love and care about people around you, that's the least we can do
评分两个女孩的通信太奇妙了,既细腻地描述了自己的心理状态,又对这个世界有所思考。相比两对情侣的亲密关系,我更喜欢借那些Email传递出来的对世界的温柔,以及女孩们看似冷淡和厌世的表面下对爱的渴求。尤其是Eileen刚刚与Simon建立连接以后,她感到学生时代的那种自由和对美的感知又回来了。“The nearness, the possibility of beauty, like a light radiating softly from behind the visible world, illuminating everything.” 不足之处,在我看来也在于两个女性的救赎终归还是要靠男性得以完成。四个人中相对最清醒的Felix是一个工人阶级男性,虽然他很可爱,但还是不免讨巧了些。
Beautiful World, Where Are You 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书