Sally Rooney is the author of the novels Conversations with Friends and Normal People. Her writing has appeared in the New Yorker, the New York Times, the London Review of Books and elsewhere. Conversations with Friends was shortlisted for both the Dylan Thomas Prize and the Rathbones Folio Prize, and longlisted for the Desmond Elliott Prize. Rooney was also shortlisted for the Sunday Times EFG Short Story Award for 'Mr Salary' and was the winner of the Sunday Times/PFD Young Writer of the Year Award. Normal People was the Waterstones Book of the Year 2019 and won the Costa Novel of the Year in 2018. It was longlisted for the Man Booker Prize in 2018, as well as the Women's Prize for Fiction and the Rathbones Folio Prize in 2019. Sally Rooney co-wrote the television adaptation of Normal People which was broadcast on the BBC in 2020, and for which she was nominated for an Emmy award.
Alice, a novelist, meets Felix, who works in a distribution warehouse, and asks him if he'd like to travel to Rome with her. In Dublin, her best friend Eileen is getting over a break-up, and slips back into flirting with Simon, a man she has known since childhood.
Alice, Felix, Eileen and Simon are still young-but life is catching up with them. They desire each other, they delude each other, they get together, they break apart. They have sex, they worry about sex, they worry about their friendships and the world they live in. Are they standing in the last lighted room before the darkness, bearing witness to something? Will they find a way to believe in a beautiful world?
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評分2.5⭐️ One star for the success of finishing the marathon (YEAH First and foremost, the newest release of Sally Rooney is enjoyable on the literary level and I admire her so much for her making every word counts. But I wish I could love the book more t...
評分 評分自從2019年《聊天記錄》齣版後,就陸續有國內媒體朋友希望通過我們聯係薩莉·魯尼做專訪。我每次聯係魯尼的經紀人Tracy,都無功而返。去年8月,也就是《美麗的世界,你在哪裏》英文版上市前,魯尼的經紀人Tracy來信說,由於薩莉·魯尼這幾年推辭瞭世界各國絕大多數的媒體采訪,...
評分美麗的世界,而今安在?大自然 美好的盛世,重迴到我們當中! 可嘆,隻有在詩歌仙境裏麵, 還尋到你那神奇莫測的仙蹤。 大地悲慟自己的一片荒涼, 我的眼前看不見一位神道, 唉,那種溫暖的生氣勃勃的形象, 隻留下瞭幻影縹緲。 -節選自席勒《希臘的群神》 疫情居傢的第四個月...
Sally Rooney式中産階級青春傷痛文學。帶著class consciousness的email對話還有把Felix的working class job和其他人的middle class life做對比這些中産的自省纔是我最感興趣的。感情那套唧唧歪歪三本書都差不多吧,但Felix和Alice這對常人來看門不當戶不對的couple最後落點在互相關照而不一定是愛情的形式有點意思。
評分4 優缺點都很明顯。一貫的細膩但也有點裝逼。明顯看到Rooney想跳齣舒適區但反而不及前兩本寫學生圈子那麼自然流暢,兩對cp中Eileen和Simon這對年齡差組閤是延續前兩部的設定,都是心靈受創渴愛乖乖女和穩重成熟爛好人(中央空調)的青梅竹馬虐戀,Rooney寫這種設定的確所嚮無敵。不過Simon的天主教徒身分挺有趣的,他倆有次開船之後去彌撒簡直就是侯麥的道德故事。比較突破的就是Alice和Felix這對,Alice明顯是作者本人爆紅後的化身,Felix反而在前兩本找不到類似的角色,基本上是4人組裡經常發錶一針見血的評論的正常人,不過他的角色塑造也是最單薄。寫派對晚宴那兩章有點Woolf捕捉生命的吉光片羽的上帝視角的味道,的確花瞭心思,就是最後疫情封城那兩封郵件畫蛇添足,還是心軟瞭
評分這是關於30左右的當代愛爾蘭年輕人的故事。整本書大緻分成兩部分(Alice 和Eileen兩位閨蜜之間的郵件來往、和拉遠鏡頭看圍繞她倆身邊發生的事情),交替章節呈現。相比她的前兩本作品,這一本的人物和話題都更成熟些,在Rooney一直極具洞察力的筆觸下,將30歲麵臨的問題(與20歲時不同的,卻同樣對人生和對世界有著很多不確定的感受)很自然地描繪齣來。Rooney的寫作每次都給人想討論的空間,而我最喜歡的就是她塑造的人物互動時的真實感,每每都覺得我就在那個場景下,近距離聽到看到這些人。她通過描寫人物之間的那種衝突和張力都是很微妙的,在人物互動中反應齣人物內心對世界的疑問,比如本書中關於性的描寫,會突然讓我明白為什麼有話說 “所有事都與性有關,唯獨性本身,性是一種權力。” 細膩入微。
評分“the most ordinary thing about human being is not violence or greed, it’s love and care”. 結閤瞭normal people的愛情和conversations的友情,脆弱易碎的心靈和缺乏安全感的人性,總是在一個看似輕鬆的夜晚爆發。”I love you but I don’t wanna hurt you”是所有年輕人愛而不得的藉口。每個人都以自己的方式愛朋友、戀人,也總渴望著對方能以同樣的方式迴答,稍有偏差便自我懷疑這份感情的飽和度,這樣於己於人都很纍。這本書更多像是和自己對話,藉著Eileen和Alice的郵件,一遍遍解答內心的疑問。btw,作者某些場景寫得很溫柔:)
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