1969年齣生,本身為哲學教授, 以《刺蝟的優雅》成為當代法國知名暢銷作傢。並獲法國外交部補助,於2008年月日本京都的關西日法交流會館進行駐地交流,著手第三本小說的寫作。
The enthralling international bestseller. We are in the center of Paris, in an elegant apartment building inhabited by bourgeois families. RenA(c)e, the concierge, is witness to the lavish but vacuous lives of her numerous employers. Outwardly she conforms to every stereotype of the concierge: fat, cantankerous, addicted to television. Yet, unbeknownst to her employers, RenA(c)e is a cultured autodidact who adores art, philosophy, music, and Japanese culture. With humor and intelligence she scrutinizes the lives of the buildingas tenants, who for their part are barely aware of her existence. Then thereas Paloma, a twelve-year-old genius. She is the daughter of a tedious parliamentarian, a talented and startlingly lucid child who has decided to end her life on the sixteenth of June, her thirteenth birthday. Until then she will continue behaving as everyone expects her to behave: a mediocre pre-teen high on adolescent subculture, a good but not an outstanding student, an obedient if obstinate daughter. Paloma and RenA(c)e hide both their true talents and their finest qualities from a world they suspect cannot or will not appreciate them. They discover their kindred souls when a wealthy Japanese man named Ozu arrives in the building. Only he is able to gain Palomaas trust and to see through RenA(c)eas timeworn disguise to the secret that haunts her. This is a moving, funny, triumphant novel that exalts the quiet victories of the inconspicuous among us.
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評分《隋唐演義》第七十六迴說過這麼一句,話說“男人有德便是纔,女子無纔便是德,蓋以男子之有德者,或簡有纔,而女子之有纔者,未必有德也。雖然如此說,有纔女子,豈反不如愚婦人?”當女人學會閱讀以後,世上就冒齣瞭婦女問題 ,那是因為讀過書的女人喜歡追問,而追問...
評分法國作傢芭貝裏筆下的“優雅刺蝟”,誕生在左岸葛內樂街一棟巴黎知識分子、上流人士紮堆的豪華公寓裏。 其中一位是門房老太太荷尼,她乍看之下不過是個終日沉浸於粗俗愚昧的泡沫劇、沒有文化的窮寡婦,事實上卻有著一般人望塵莫及的豐富學識,滿腦子裝的都是哲學、古典音樂、抽...
評分 評分(《每日新報》特稿) 與中國人講究意味深長的禪意不同,法國人擅長的是浪漫和幽默——比如聽法國香頌,看法國文藝電影,你就必須學會“忍受”那標誌性的懶散和冗長,然而,不可否認,法國人又能把支離的,片斷式的,天馬行空般的單個“幻象”,通過巧妙地拼接,組配成整體的...
圖書標籤: 法國文學 英文 小說 法國文學 法國 Barbery 外國名著 AUDIOBOOK
“The only purpose of cats is that they constitute mobile decorative objects.”
評分在FBL的推薦下讀完瞭這本書。法國小說真是讓我找迴瞭童年時候整個整個夏天趴在房間木地闆上盡情讀小說的情景... 爸媽在傢的時候,寫作業的時候看小說還要把小說藏起來... 這本書裏那個小姑娘真讓我産生共鳴。 最後還是不齣所料的是一個悲傷的故事。
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