萬誌英(Richard von Glahn),著名漢學傢,美國加州大學洛杉磯分校曆史學教授,耶魯大學博士,主要研究10~18世紀的中國經濟社會史、全球經濟史、東亞海洋史。編有《中國史上的宋元明過渡》(The Song-Yuan-Ming Transition in Chinese History),著有《財源:1000~1700年的中國貨幣與貨幣政策》(Fountain of Fortune: Money and Monetary Policy in China, 1000-1700)、《從古代到十九世紀的中國經濟史》(The Economic History of China from Antiquity to the Nineteenth Century)等。
The most striking feature of Wutong, the preeminent God of Wealth in late imperial China, was the deity's diabolical character. Wutong was perceived not as a heroic figure or paragon of noble qualities but rather as an embodiment of humanity's basest vices, greed and lust, a maleficent demon who preyed on the weak and vulnerable. In "The Sinister Way", Richard von Glahn examines the emergence and evolution of the Wutong cult within the larger framework of the historical development of Chinese popular or vernacular religion - as opposed to institutional religions such as Buddhism or Daoism. Von Glahn's study, spanning three millennia, gives due recognition to the morally ambivalent and demonic aspects of divine power within the common Chinese religious culture.
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1.中國宗教不是一套信仰體係,而是一係列具有目的性的行動(即最廣義的儀式,注重儀式的正確舉行,而不是信仰和價值觀),采取這些行動可以改變世界,也可以改變個體在該世界中的處境。 2.普通民眾試圖理解,掌控自己的命運,而中國通俗宗教中的神靈世界觀在很大程度上就是這種...
評分8.30下單預購,9.20到貨,21號一天讀完。依然是談不上有學理性的一點粗淺讀後感。 我一起買瞭兩本書,一本是《左道》,一本是《薩滿教》。將近一個月等待時間,還是非常期待。照我自己的理解,左道應該是對那些民間信仰裏麵,更邪惡的、更不入流的巫覡法術的研究。因為我一直覺...
評分8.30下單預購,9.20到貨,21號一天讀完。依然是談不上有學理性的一點粗淺讀後感。 我一起買瞭兩本書,一本是《左道》,一本是《薩滿教》。將近一個月等待時間,還是非常期待。照我自己的理解,左道應該是對那些民間信仰裏麵,更邪惡的、更不入流的巫覡法術的研究。因為我一直覺...
圖書標籤: 宗教 民間信仰 萬誌英 海外漢學 民間宗教 海外中國研究 宗教與巫術 民間信仰、國傢宗教
選材新穎,von Glahn理論功底紮實。順承Weller等人對CK Yang二分法的批判,進而討論vernacular religion在地域化過程中展現的多樣性和獨立性,來分析透過五通神信仰展現的大眾心態和社會經濟變遷。
評分Miraculous turn from the cult of a popular deity to economic insecurities, the latter of which grew into the author's next book *Fountain of Fortune: Money and Monetary Policy in China, 1000-1700*.
評分Miraculous turn from the cult of a popular deity to economic insecurities, the latter of which grew into the author's next book *Fountain of Fortune: Money and Monetary Policy in China, 1000-1700*.
評分以文證史可以嗎? 萬大師都用瞭應該就可以瞭吧……
評分Miraculous turn from the cult of a popular deity to economic insecurities, the latter of which grew into the author's next book *Fountain of Fortune: Money and Monetary Policy in China, 1000-1700*.
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