珍妮弗·康維勒(Jennifer Kahnweiler),美國著名職場人力資源開發專傢,激發無數內嚮者潛能的“務實博士”,暢銷書作者,被譽為“內嚮型人格之王”,曾榮獲美國職業發展協會“年度最佳從業人員奬”。作為內嚮者領導力的思想領袖,她擅長把深奧的領導力理論轉化為實際操作方法,通過極富魅力的演講、培訓,讓成韆上萬的內嚮者堅定瞭信心。此外,她還為數百傢政府機構和著名企業提供谘詢服務,包括通用電氣(GE)、美國航空航天局(NASA)、美國有綫電視新聞網(CNN)以及美國疾病控製中心(CDC)等。
Succeeding in an Extroverted Business World In our extroverted business culture, introverts can feel excluded, overlooked, or misunderstood. But being an introvert doesn't mean you can't be a great leader. Citing examples of highly successful leaders like Bill Gates and Warren Buffett, Jennifer Kahnweiler shows that introverts can build on their quiet strength and make it a source of great power. After highlighting the common challenges introverts face at work, such as stress, invisibility, and perception gaps, the book details a straightforward four-step process to handle work situations such as managing up, leading projects, public speaking, and many more. Kahnweiler provides numerous examples and leadership tips as well as a revealing Introverted Leader Quiz that pinpoints where focused attention will produce maximum results, The Introverted Leader will teach you to embrace your natural work style in order to advance your career, get the most out of the people around you, and add value to your organization.
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早上的天氣照樣灰沉不透氣,賴在床上刷朋友圈,看到一位心理學的朋友的說說總結內傾和外傾性格的區彆,雖然早就可以判定我是內傾性格,但內傾和外傾性格的人在直覺/實感,情感/思考和知覺/判斷的錶現又不一樣。 之所以想深入地瞭解,大約也是因為最近在看被譽為“內嚮型人格...
評分〉〉01 《內嚮者溝通聖經》是為內嚮者提供職場逆襲機會的實戰書,作者珍妮弗·康維勒是美國著名職場人力資源開發專傢,專注激發內嚮者潛能,被譽為“內嚮型人格之王”。 在職場上,內嚮者都有哪些錶現呢?長期超負荷工作,卻不會也不敢說“不”;同事間聊天,不知道怎麼...
評分- 1 - 有一個年輕人,個性友善,有些情緒化,身材削骨,不善運動,帶著點青春期不安的躁動。他是個一身正氣卻總是入不敷齣的農民的兒子。這個年輕人害怕很多事情,比如電閃雷鳴,以及在關鍵時刻張口結說不好話。他甚至還擔憂今後婚禮上,如果他不知道要跟大傢講什麼,將會怎麼...
評分當今社會真的是一個外嚮者光芒萬丈的時代。在學校裏,那些經常組織和參加公開活動、吸引全校目光的“校園風雲人物”多是外嚮性格的;在職場,那些善於交際的外嚮性格的同事總是能夠獲得更多的學習和晉升機會,迅速走嚮成功,成為“職場風雲人物”。 相對於外嚮者的“光芒萬丈”...
評分當今社會真的是一個外嚮者光芒萬丈的時代。在學校裏,那些經常組織和參加公開活動、吸引全校目光的“校園風雲人物”多是外嚮性格的;在職場,那些善於交際的外嚮性格的同事總是能夠獲得更多的學習和晉升機會,迅速走嚮成功,成為“職場風雲人物”。 相對於外嚮者的“光芒萬丈”...
圖書標籤: 心理學 內嚮 英文原版 個人管理 社科 正能量 成長 心理學
Introvert may bring u discomforts like anxiety n depression in this extrovert world. But it also let u feel more, see more n think more. Use ur quite as a weapon n advantage, the world embraces all kinds of people that eager to be alive. 4P. Public speaking, managing n leading, heading up projects, managing up, meeting game, building relationship.
評分Introvert may bring u discomforts like anxiety n depression in this extrovert world. But it also let u feel more, see more n think more. Use ur quite as a weapon n advantage, the world embraces all kinds of people that eager to be alive. 4P. Public speaking, managing n leading, heading up projects, managing up, meeting game, building relationship.
評分Introvert may bring u discomforts like anxiety n depression in this extrovert world. But it also let u feel more, see more n think more. Use ur quite as a weapon n advantage, the world embraces all kinds of people that eager to be alive. 4P. Public speaking, managing n leading, heading up projects, managing up, meeting game, building relationship.
評分Introvert may bring u discomforts like anxiety n depression in this extrovert world. But it also let u feel more, see more n think more. Use ur quite as a weapon n advantage, the world embraces all kinds of people that eager to be alive. 4P. Public speaking, managing n leading, heading up projects, managing up, meeting game, building relationship.
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