阿道司·赫胥黎,英國文豪,著名的赫胥黎傢族最傑齣的成員之一,從小受到良好教育,先後畢業於伊頓公學和牛津大學。赫胥黎一生中創作瞭大量優秀作品,其中最著名有長篇小說《美麗新世界》(Brave New World,1932)、社會學論著《重返美麗新世界》(Brave New World Revisited,1958)、心理學著作《知覺之門》(The Doors of Perception),以及本作紀實文學《盧丹的惡魔》(The Devils of Loudun,1952)。他對人類麵臨的社會問題有著常人望塵莫及的洞察力,因此使其成為二十世紀英國傑齣的公共知識分子。他作品中的諸多預言在今時今日看來竟已多數成真。
Aldous Huxley's acclaimed and gripping account of one of the strangest occurrences in history In 1643 an entire convent in the small French village of Loudun was apparently possessed by the devil. After a sensational and celebrated trial, the convent's charismatic priest Urban Grandier—accused of spiritually and sexually seducing the nuns in his charge—was convicted of being in league with Satan. Then he was burned at the stake for witchcraft. In this classic work by the legendary Aldous Huxley—a remarkable true story of religious and sexual obsession considered by many to be his nonfiction masterpiece—a compelling historical event is clarified and brought to vivid life.
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書裏融入瞭很多深刻的思索,從而變得既難讀又精彩。 1、集體譫妄:一群人在一起非常容易被集體洗腦然後變得膽大妄為,大規模的例如歐洲的女巫運動、納粹德國的種族清洗,小規模的例如傳銷組織,更小規模的比如“不管紅燈綠燈,湊齊幾個人就可以橫穿馬路”。人們不僅僅是集體無...
圖書標籤: 英國文學 英文原版 白 Huxley AldousHuxley Aldous 非小說 文學
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評分The Devils of Loudun和Grey Eminence都應該入選個20世紀百大非虛構什麼的。
評分The Devils of Loudun和Grey Eminence都應該入選個20世紀百大非虛構什麼的。
評分The Devils of Loudun和Grey Eminence都應該入選個20世紀百大非虛構什麼的。
評分The Devils of Loudun和Grey Eminence都應該入選個20世紀百大非虛構什麼的。
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