托馬斯·霍布斯(Tomas Hobbes,1588—1679),英國開創現代政治哲學理論的重要哲學傢。他一生著述頗豐,包括曆史學、倫理學、政治哲學、幾何學等方麵。他在政治哲學上的成就最為卓著,著有《利維坦》《論公民》《法之原本》等書,為近現代西方政治哲學的發展奠定瞭基礎 。
Behemoth is Thomas Hobbes's narrative of the English Civil Wars from the beginning of the Scottish revolution in 1637 to the Restoration of the Monarchy in 1660, and is his only composition to address directly the history of the events which formed the context of his writings in Leviathan and elsewhere on sovereignty and the government of the Church. Although presented as an account of past events, it conceals a vigorous attack on the values of the religious and political establishment of Restoration England. This is the first fully scholarly edition of the work, and the first new edition of the text since 1889. Based on Hobbes's own presentation manuscript, it includes for the first time an accurate transcription of the passages which Hobbes had deleted in the text, and notes made by early readers.
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霍布斯:《比希莫特:論長期國會》,梁雨寒譯,江西人民齣版社2019年版 Thomas Hobbes/Tönnies (ed.), Behemoth: Or, the Long Parliament ,1889 霍布斯:《貝希摩斯:英國內戰緣由史》,李石譯,北京大學齣版社2019年版 Thomas Hobbes/Sir William Molesworth (ed.), Behem...
評分中譯 孫善豪 本文係《霍布斯國傢理論中的利維坦:一個政治象徵的意義及其失敗》第1、2章 【原文地址】[https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/Lst2EkIl62_ASArezh5Zkg] 一、 霍布斯(Thomas Hobbes)的諸多著作中,最使他得享盛名也最被人詬病的,非《利維坦》(Leviathan)莫屬。從凡夫...
評分[https://athenacool.wordpress.com/2019/01/23/%e6%af%94%e5%b8%8c%e8%8e%ab%e7%89%b9/] 比希莫特:論長期國會 (英) 托馬斯·霍布斯 / 梁雨寒 / 江西人民齣版社 / 2019-1 子扉我 2019年早鼕 季風異次元空間二世 原載[迴響工作室]微信2019年1月29日
評分Must tyrants also be obeyed in everything actively? Or is there nothing therein a lawful King's command may be disobeyed? What if he should command me with my own hand to execute my father, in case he should be condemned to die by the law? A: This is a case...
評分[https://athenacool.wordpress.com/2019/01/23/%e6%af%94%e5%b8%8c%e8%8e%ab%e7%89%b9/] 比希莫特:論長期國會 (英) 托馬斯·霍布斯 / 梁雨寒 / 江西人民齣版社 / 2019-1 子扉我 2019年早鼕 季風異次元空間二世 原載[迴響工作室]微信2019年1月29日
圖書標籤: 霍布斯 政治哲學 英國史 十七世紀
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