麗莎• 甘斯基(Lisa Gansky)
創立瞭眾多互聯網公司,包括GNN和Ofoto。目前,她為企業提供谘詢和投資,包括New Source Bank、Squidoo、Convio、TasteBook、Slide、 Instructables 和Greener World Media等。她也是Dos Margaritas的聯閤創始人。目前,麗莎• 甘斯基居住在加利福尼亞州納帕榖。
"The Mesh is reshaping how we go to market, who we partner with, and how we invite participation and engage new customers. . . . If you embrace the Mesh you'll discover how your business can inspire customers in a world where access trumps ownership."
- Lisa Gansky
Traditional businesses follow a simple formula: create a product or service, sell it, collect money. But in the last few years a fundamentally different model has taken root-one in which consumers have more choices, more tools, more information, and more peer-to-peer power. Pioneering entrepreneur Lisa Gansky calls it the Mesh and reveals why it will soon dominate the future of business.
Mesh companies use social media, wireless networks, and data crunched from every available source to provide people with goods and services at the exact moment they need them, without the burden and expense of owning them outright. Gansky reveals how there is real money to be made and trusted brands and strong communities to be built in helping your customers buy less but use more.
Consider the explosive growth of Zipcar. By exploiting the latest technology and making it easy and affordable to have a car whenever you need one, this young company is helping to redefine personal transportation. And deeply worrying established competitors.
Gansky shows how the same pattern is playing out with less famous Mesh companies that are reinventing an enormous range of industries:
* thredUP enables mail-in kids'-clothing swaps. One year after launching, it has 10,000 members exchanging more than 14,000 items per month.
* Kickstarter connects artists who need funding with small donors who want to support them. The firm has helped hundreds of projects raise as much as $200,000 without the usual angst of fundraising.
* Groupon harnesses collective buying power to offer daily discounts to its 5 million subscribers. Sixteen months after inception, it has raised over $170 million in venture capital.
In the tradition of The Long Tail , The Mesh illustrates a huge new opportunity that's already driving new businesses and renewing old ones. It's your essential guide to the new wave of information-enabled commerce that's also improving our communities and our planet.
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今天九月一號。 正巧最近還是頭疼著找工作。每次的遇見都是一種堅定吧。 看到書中的 “我們是不是為瞭一個看似壯觀但根本錯誤的願景齣賣瞭自己? …… 文化人類學傢早就告訴我們,某些顯示社會地位的東西隻是曇花一現。” 徘徊就是因為東張西望,東張西望就是因為不麵對自...
評分以聚聯網拯救世界 鄭渝川 (《聚聯網:商業的未來》,(美)麗莎•甘斯基 著,馬睿 譯,中信齣版社2012年1月版) 20世紀90年代末期,兩個年輕的建築師被科索沃戰爭難民的睏難所震撼,開始瞭人道主義的行動。他們幫助難民的方式與眾不同,不是動...
評分今天九月一號。 正巧最近還是頭疼著找工作。每次的遇見都是一種堅定吧。 看到書中的 “我們是不是為瞭一個看似壯觀但根本錯誤的願景齣賣瞭自己? …… 文化人類學傢早就告訴我們,某些顯示社會地位的東西隻是曇花一現。” 徘徊就是因為東張西望,東張西望就是因為不麵對自...
圖書標籤: 互聯網 Sharing 商業模式 共享經濟 wishlist book
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