The Economists 2010年度推荐,FT中文网年度荐书,2011年奥威尔写作奖提名
Why the West Rules--For Now 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书
—— 读《西方将主宰多久》和《丝绸之路》引起的思考 Part I. 谁是东方,谁是西方? 今年早些时候第一次读斯坦福大学历史学家伊恩-莫里斯的《西方将主宰多久》,当即拜倒。莫里斯的厉害之处是身为历史学家的他提取了大量来自史料和考古学的数据,创造性地使用了量化的指标来...
评分 评分此文已刊于2011年9月19日《南方都市报》,有删节。 尽管美国的霸主地位日渐衰落,中印等东方古国重新崛起,西方依旧统治着这个世界。经济生产能力直接体现了西方在全球的统治优势。上世纪五十年代,鸟类学家戴蒙德(Jared Diamond)在巴布几内亚的丛林观察动物行为,与...
评分历史总能给人以展望未来的启示。然而不同的人看到不同的历史,由之而来的启示也各自不同。说实话,如果你想从历史中找到某些规律和教训来支持你对未来的规划,你几乎总能找到的。 西风压倒东风 成功者如果不清楚自己是怎么成功的,那他将很难复制这一成功;而失败者如果不清楚...
评分西方将主宰多久 英国东印度公司18世纪末每年从中国运往伦敦的茶值2300万英镑。 天平天国是世界上最后一场传统战争。 1854年,日本被作为中美间的加煤的中转站。 为什么西方有马克沁机枪,而其他地方没有? 对于东西方的差别,长期注定理论是其中之一,马克思的版本最为重要,也...
图书标签: 历史 中西文化 社会学 政治 英文原版 文化 比较政治 history
Why does the West rule? In this magnum opus, eminent Stanford polymath Ian Morris answers this provocative question, drawing on 50,000 years of history, archeology, and the methods of social science, to make sense of when, how, and why the paths of development differed in the East and West — and what this portends for the 21st century.
There are two broad schools of thought on why the West rules. Proponents of "Long-Term Lock-In" theories such as Jared Diamond suggest that from time immemorial, some critical factor— geography, climate, or culture perhaps — made East and West unalterably different, and determined that the industrial revolution would happen in the West and push it further ahead of the East. But the East led the West between 500 and 1600, so this development can't have been inevitable; and so proponents of "Short-Term Accident" theories argue that Western rule was a temporary aberration that is now coming to an end, with Japan, China, and India resuming their rightful places on the world stage. However, as the West led for 9,000 of the previous 10,000 years, it wasn't just a temporary aberration. So, if we want to know why the West rules, we need a whole new theory. Ian Morris, boldly entering the turf of Jared Diamond and Niall Ferguson, provides the broader approach that is necessary, combining the textual historian's focus on context, the anthropological archaeologist's awareness of the deep past, and the social scientist's comparative methods to make sense of the past, present, and future— in a way no one has ever done before.
Blinkist扫过。感觉是一本有点啰嗦但可以去翻翻看看的书,虽然结论可能听上去有些老生常谈。衡量社会发展指数:“energy capture, urbanism, information processing,capacity to wage war”还是有主观的成分。地理和气候的影响也不算太新鲜。"人在生物学、社会学意义上并无区别,只是地理上的差异决定了东西方文明出现的早晚、发展的快慢和成长路径的不同。 然而,文明的演进存在相同的模式,其中最重要的是中心——边缘的互动关系,正是它推动社会发展的螺旋式上升。"
Why the West Rules--For Now 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书