維斯拉瓦·辛波斯卡(Wislawa Szymborska),1923-2012,一九二三年生於波蘭小鎮布寜。她擅長以幽默、詩意的口吻描述嚴肅主題和日常事物,以詩歌迴答生活。是波蘭最受歡迎的詩人,也是公認為當代最為迷人的詩人之一,享有“詩界莫紮特”的美譽。一九九六年獲得諾貝爾文學奬,是文學史上第三位獲奬女詩人。二O一二年二月的一個晚上,辛波斯卡在住宅裏安然去世。在她的葬禮上,波蘭各地的人們紛紛趕來,嚮詩人作最後的告彆。
Described by Robert Hass as "unquestionably one of the great living European poets" and by Charles Simic as "one of the finest poets living today," Szymborska mesmerizes her readers with poetry that captivates their minds and captures their hearts. This is the book that her many fans have been anxiously awaiting-the definitive, complete collection of poetry by the Nobel Prize-winning poet, including 164 poems in all, as well as the full text of her Nobel acceptance speech of December 7, 1996, in Stockholm. Beautifully translated by Stanislaw Baranczak and Clare Cavanagh, who won a 1996 PEN Translation Prize for their work, this volume is a must-have for all readers of poetry.
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情人節這天,我決定再讀一遍辛波絲卡。 我想說一下,這個女詩人,很明顯不喜歡濫情的一切。 抱歉,你的評論太短瞭...... 抱歉,你的評論太短瞭...... 抱歉,你的評論太短瞭...... 抱歉,你的評論太短瞭...... 抱歉,你的評論太短瞭...... 抱歉,你的評論太短瞭...... 抱歉,...
評分陳黎 張芬齡 一九九六年諾貝爾文學奬得主辛波斯卡,一九二三年七月二日齣生於波蘭西部小鎮布寜,八歲時移居剋拉科夫,波蘭南方的大城,至二○一二年二月去世止。她是第三位獲得諾貝爾文學奬的女詩人(前兩位是一九四五年智利的米斯特拉爾和一九六六年德國的薩剋斯),第四...
評分 評分情人節這天,我決定再讀一遍辛波絲卡。 我想說一下,這個女詩人,很明顯不喜歡濫情的一切。 抱歉,你的評論太短瞭...... 抱歉,你的評論太短瞭...... 抱歉,你的評論太短瞭...... 抱歉,你的評論太短瞭...... 抱歉,你的評論太短瞭...... 抱歉,你的評論太短瞭...... 抱歉,...
評分圖書標籤: 詩歌 辛波絲卡 辛波斯卡 詩 波蘭 英文原版 外國文學。 外國文學
評分前幾周在chinatown和@daphoon 吃飯的時候討論起這個最近去世的我們初中的時候讀過的詩人,又從圖書館裏翻齣來讀,竟然是手裁的書邊兒!every beginning is only a sequel, after all, and the book of events is always open halfway through.
評分書超美的! 讀英文版也太流暢瞭,看來要加強自己英文的語感瞭
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評分My apologies to everything that I can't be everywhere at once. My apologies to everyone that I can't be each woman and each man.
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