Translated from French by James N McGowan, Professor of English, Illinois Wesleyan University, Illinois, USA.
With an introduction by Jonathan Culler, Professor of English and Comparative Literature, Cornell University, USA.
The Flowers of Evil (Oxford World's Classics) 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书
情诗只应有一位读者,那就是它箭头所指的爱人,不要说著书出版见报登刊,只要哪怕多经一位读者的目光,诗篇本身的目的性立马就会生出一圈令爱人不快的暧昧光环,正如婚姻上的忠贞,一旦配偶这一变量大于1之后,所有蜜语引起的荷尔蒙上升公式,都将被添上一个负号。 大诗人们流...
评分《恶之花》初次发表时收诗100首,涉及到女人意象的有48首, 若再包括其它诗歌中零星提到的女人意象, 《恶之花》中与女人有关的诗歌占到诗歌总数的一半以上, 可见女性在波德莱尔是各种有很重要的地位。 其中一个特殊的女性群体便是女同性恋者,在女性意象诗歌中占3首,...
评分阿多尼斯说:好的诗是你每次读的时候,都会有新的启发,它的意义不试一下子就能被穷尽的,你会发现,永远都是在提问,而不是给你现成的答案。 这个世界赋予恶人的,总比善人的快一点,让他们抢占先机,但是善人永不屈服,即使渺茫,也要努力抗争,哪怕只是通过文字。 ——“你...
评分“恶之为花,其色艳而冷,其香浓而远,其态俏而诡,其格高而幽。” 《恶之花》是一本奇书,一个诗人仅仅凭藉一本诗集就占据了世界文学史上的重要位置,不说绝无仅有,也是罕见。 全书分为“忧郁与理想”、“巴黎即景”、“酒、“恶之花”、“叛逆”和“死亡”六部分,它们的...
评分凌晨四点,合上波德莱尔的《恶之花》 身体被汗水浸着,手脚冰凉 我分明看见幽灵在房中飘荡 丑陋但却并不可怖 一具腐尸走了过来 躺下,与我同枕而眠 她身上的一块块尸斑,绽出一朵朵玫瑰 吸引着我,有与她亲吻的欲望 霎时间,腐气弥漫 卧室变成地狱 发黑了的血 充...
图书标签: 诗歌 波德莱尔 诗 英译 现代派 现代性 现代主义的开山之作 法国
The Flowers of Evil, which T. S. Eliot called the greatest example of modern poetry in any language, shocked the literary world of nineteenth century France with its outspoken portrayal of lesbian love, its linking sexuality and death, its unremitting irony, and its unflinching celebration of the seamy side of urban life. The volume was seized by the police, and Baudelaire and his published were put on trial for offence to public decency. Six offending poems were banned, in a conviction that was not overturned until 1949.
This bold new translation, which restores the banned poems to their original places and reveals the full richness and variety of the collection, makes available to English speakers a powerful and original version of the world. Jonathan Culler's Introduction outlines this vision, stressing that Baudelaire is more than just the poet of the modern city. Originally to be called `The Lesbians', The Flowers of Evil contains the most extraordinary body of love poetry. The poems also pose the question of the role of evil in our lives, of whether there are not external forces working to frustrate human plans and to enlist men and women on appalling or stultifying scenarios not of their own making.
just throw it out! unless you've learned / your rhetoric in Satan's school / you will not understand a word, / you'll think I am hysterical.
评分just throw it out! unless you've learned / your rhetoric in Satan's school / you will not understand a word, / you'll think I am hysterical.
评分just throw it out! unless you've learned / your rhetoric in Satan's school / you will not understand a word, / you'll think I am hysterical.
评分just throw it out! unless you've learned / your rhetoric in Satan's school / you will not understand a word, / you'll think I am hysterical.
评分just throw it out! unless you've learned / your rhetoric in Satan's school / you will not understand a word, / you'll think I am hysterical.
The Flowers of Evil (Oxford World's Classics) 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书