Why are coffee, tobacco, and marijuana available the world over, but not peyote or qat? Why are alcohol and tobacco legal, but not heroin or cocaine? What drives the drug, and how has it come to be what it is today - a vast, chequered pattern of use and abuse, medicine and recreation, commerce and interdiction? A global history of the acquisition of progressively more potent means of altering ordinary waking consciousness, this book provides the big picture of the discovery, interchange, and exploitation of the planet's psychoactive resources, from tea and kola to opiates and amphetamines. Offering a social and biological account of why psychoactive goods proved so seductive, David Courtwright tracks the intersecting paths by which popular drugs entered the stream of global commerce. He shows how the efforts of merchants and colonial planters expanded world supply, drove down prices, and drew millions of less affluent purchasers into the market, effectively democratizing drug consumption. He also shows how Europeans used alcohol as an inducement for native peoples to trade their furs, sell captives into slavery, and negotiate away their lands, and how monarchs taxed drugs to finance their wars and expanding empires. This text explains why such profitable exploitation has increasingly given way, over the last hundred years, to policies of restriction and prohibition - and how economic and cultural considerations have shaped those policies to determine which drugs are readily accessible, which strictly medicinal, and which forbidden altogether.
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評分說在前麵的話: 這本書讀瞭有整整兩周,一直不敢下筆。想來也是有原因的:其一,筆者不屬於任何“癮品”(廣義上的上癮物質,後文會有詳解)的服用者;其二,筆者沒有史學功底(我專於英語與法學),於此下筆就怕耽誤各位。但筆者找到瞭齣口一一破解之:奧運會遊泳冠軍的教練可...
評分Ⅰ The Confluence of Psychoactive Resources 20 | 吸煙者代謝咖啡的速度比不吸煙者快50%,所以要頻繁續杯纔能維持同樣的提神效果。許多藥物不但可以彼此取代,還可以提高其他藥物的需求量,所以藥物貿易並不是一種“零和競爭”。 40 | 由於伊斯蘭教禁酒,鴉片乃是比較好的...
評分鴉片利潤之高,雲貴四川財政多倚重之;1906年新政拿它開刀,以重稅行之,結果田價暴跌,暴民搗毀瞭四處稅務所,官傢努力彈壓,民情洶湧。然後聽說革命瞭,四川人民歡欣鼓舞,覺得這下算是自己人當傢,總會通情達理讓種大煙瞭。 古希臘人已然學懂得蒸餾法,爾後失...
評分01 讀瞭一本有趣的書。一位美國曆史學教授寫的《上癮五百年》,講的是“癮品”在過去的幾百年間是如何改變瞭世界的麵貌,以及或多或少地影響瞭我們每一個人。 那麼什麼是”癮品“? 簡單地說,”癮品“就是那些能讓人”上癮“的東西,比如說,酒精,煙草,咖啡因飲料,大麻,鴉...
圖書標籤: 曆史 科普 心理學 DavidT. Courtwright 英文版 飲食 society-social-sci
評分the key message is powerful. Behind global market and trade, economic forces and additive characteristics of the drugs are so intertwined.
評分the key message is powerful. Behind global market and trade, economic forces and additive characteristics of the drugs are so intertwined.
評分1.對人類具有成癮性威脅的植物本身是為瞭令食草動物産生幻覺,從而自我保護 2.不同類的成癮藥物有相互抵消的效果(令我想起茶的醒酒作用)3.現在藥物的成癮(危害)性與受禁程度並不成正比,除卻偶然因素,權力的乾涉太重要瞭。(對我個人而言,這本書格外寫實而親切,《毒梟》中哥倫比亞與美國的糾葛、《廣告狂人》中的Lucky Strike煙草公司與麥迪遜大街的閤作與解散,竟然都有所提及。)
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