William Dunham,俄亥俄州立大學碩士和博士畢業,現為美國穆倫堡學院教授,世界知名的數學史專傢。他分彆於1992年、1997年、2006年獲得美國數學協會頒發的George Polya奬、Trevor Evans 奬和Lester R. Ford奬。Dunham教授著述頗豐,除本書外,還著有《The Mathematical Universe: An Alphabetical Journey Through the Great Proofs, Problems, and Personalities》(數學那些事兒:思想、發現、人物和曆史)等廣受好評的科普著作。
Praise for William Dunhams Journey Through Genius The Great Theorems of Mathematics "Dunham deftly guides the reader through the verbal and logical intricacies of major mathematical questions and proofs, conveying a splendid sense of how the greatest mathematicians from ancient to modern times presented their arguments." —Ivars Peterson Author, The Mathematical Tourist Mathematics and Physics Editor, Science News
"It is mathematics presented as a series of works of art; a fascinating lingering over individual examples of ingenuity and insight. It is mathematics by lightning flash." —Isaac Asimov
"It is a captivating collection of essays of major mathematical achievements brought to life by the personal and historical anecdotes which the author has skillfully woven into the text. This is a book which should find its place on the bookshelf of anyone interested in science and the scientists who create it." —R. L. Graham, AT&T Bell Laboratories
"Come on a time-machine tour through 2,300 years in which Dunham drops in on some of the greatest mathematicians in history. Almost as if we chat over tea and crumpets, we get to know them and their ideas—ideas that ring with eternity and that offer glimpses into the often veiled beauty of mathematics and logic. And all the while we marvel, hoping that the tour will not stop." —Jearl Walker, Physics Department, Cleveland State University Author of The Flying Circus of Physics
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評分非常高興你們能重新齣版這本書。非常支持! 這本書確實在我的高中時代對我産生瞭很大影響,我高中時候在四川,那時候看到《天纔引導的曆程》這本書,讓我對數學非常神往,高考時誌願幾乎全是數學係。我認為這個世界上第一流的天纔都是數學傢,第一流的發現是數學上...
評分推薦給所有喜歡思考的人,無論喜歡或不喜歡數學。從第一章希波剋拉底的補形法開始,你會發現不需要多少深厚的數學背景,你也同樣可以領會數學的奧妙與優美。 這本書介紹瞭數學史最重要的一些定理與證明過程。每一章都圍繞著一個定理展開。作者一般先介紹在該定理發現之前,數...
評分 評分數學,不隻是數字的運算;數學,不隻是枯燥的公式,數學,不隻是復雜的推理。數學是科學的窗口,是邏輯的探秘,更是思索的樂趣。這本書不是簡單的數學史,也不是在告訴你如何成長為數學傢,而是結閤曆史時代背景來講述關於數學天纔如何發現那些改變數學發展曆程的定理。將數學...
圖書標籤: 數學 科普 Mathematics 數學史 原版 傳記 數學傢 必讀
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