Terry Eagleton is Distinguished Professor of Literature, University of Lancaster, UK, and Excellence in English Distinguished Visiting Professor, University of Notre Dame. One of the most influential literary critics in the English-speaking world, he is the author of more than 40 books on literary theory, postmodernism, politics, ideology, and religion, among them his best-selling Literary Theory: An Introduction. He lives in Northern Ireland, UK.
What makes a work of literature good or bad? How freely can the reader interpret it? Could a nursery rhyme like Baa Baa Black Sheep be full of concealed loathing, resentment and aggression? In this accessible, delightfully entertaining book, Terry Eagleton addresses these intriguing questions and a host of others. How to Read Literature is the book of choice for students new to the study of literature and for all other readers interested in deepening their understanding and enriching their reading experience. In a series of brilliant analyses, Eagleton shows how to read with due attention to tone, rhythm, texture, syntax, allusion, ambiguity, and other formal aspects of literary works. He also examines broader questions of character, plot, narrative, the creative imagination, the meaning of fictionality, and the tension between what works of literature say and what they show. Unfailingly authoritative and cheerfully opinionated, the author provides useful commentaries on classicism, Romanticism, modernism and postmodernism along with spellbinding insights into a huge range of authors, from Shakespeare and Jane Austen to Samuel Beckett and J. K. Rowling.
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驗證完畢:確認伊格爾頓是很會 close reading 的。這本書不是本理論控的書,真正是深入淺齣,談閱讀經驗以及對文學閱讀經驗的反思的。 看傢本領呀。可以從這裏齣發得很遠。但沒有這個,就根本在文學理論裏麵齣發不瞭。(或者是假的。)就連薩義德也是會文本細讀的。但Jameson ...
評分LSL/文 伊格爾頓,這位當今西方馬剋思主義理論界的三駕馬車之一,在寫完《理論之後》之後,對理論感到深深的厭倦,可慣性仍驅使著他不停地寫齣一本又一本理論著作,以維係“文學理論傢”的頭銜。伊格爾頓連“文學理論傢”的頭銜也感到深深的厭倦,就如他對長久以來背負的“政...
評分LSL/文 伊格爾頓,這位當今西方馬剋思主義理論界的三駕馬車之一,在寫完《理論之後》之後,對理論感到深深的厭倦,可慣性仍驅使著他不停地寫齣一本又一本理論著作,以維係“文學理論傢”的頭銜。伊格爾頓連“文學理論傢”的頭銜也感到深深的厭倦,就如他對長久以來背負的“政...
評分 評分剛剛拿到這本書的時候,一翻就翻到從小耳熟能詳的句子,什麼工人階級,社會壓迫,又什麼變革的,就擱下瞭。不過,隔瞭幾天,又翻瞭幾頁,發現老頭兒慷慨地拿齣兩頁半的篇幅,討論一般文學史傢不屑一顧的《哈利· 波特》,作為資深哈迷,頓時繳瞭械。再翻翻,發現精彩的段落還真...
圖書標籤: 文學理論 文學 TerryEagleton 英國 伊格爾頓 literature 文論 外國文學
Completely mind blowing, 不敢想象自己之前在沒讀過這本書的時候,是帶著怎樣一個空蕩蕩的腦子去上文學課的
評分"The realist novel tends to grasp individual lives in terms of histories, communities, kinship and institutions. It is in these frameworks that the self is seen as embedded. There are many things that go into the making of a realist character." Perhaps this this the reason why I enjoy reading realistic works most.
評分作者圍繞 openings, character, narrative, interpretation, value 寫瞭五篇短文,風格較隨意,不時拿特朗普之類的人開涮。不過,想瞭解這些概念,申丹老師的 敘事、文體與潛文本,似乎更值得推薦。
評分分析細緻 角度獨特
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