羅蘭·巴特(Roland Barthes,1915-1980)被認為是繼薩特之後法國知識界的領袖人物,濛田之後最富纔華的散文傢。他在符號、精神分析批評、釋義學、解構主義諸領域都有卓越建樹,對西方文化和文化研究影響深遠。
Preface by Richard Howard. Translated by Richard Miller. This is Barthes's scrupulous literary analysis of Balzac's short story "Sarrasine." Roland Barthes was born in 1915 and studied French literature and the classics at the University of Paris. After teaching French at universities in Romania and Egypt, he joined the Centre National de Recherche Scientifique, where he devoted himself to research in sociology and lexicology. He was a professor at the College de France until his death in 1980. "S/Z" is Barthes's scrupulous literary analysis of Balzac's short story "Sarrasine." "Language was both a luxury and a discipline for Barthes. He pursued a subject through language until he cornered it, until its disguise fell away and it was revealed in a kind of epiphany. In his own way, he cleaned the face of Paris more thoroughly than Andre Malraux did when he ordered its buildings washed down to their original colors and arranged for lights to be played upon them. Musing on the kind of painting done by someone like Ingres, Barthes says that 'painters have left movement the amplified sign of the unstable . . . the solemn shudder of a pose impossible to fix in time . . . the motionless overvaluation of the ineffable.' This might also serve as his definition of classical French prose, and in order to escape its encroachment, Barthes prodded, squeezed and sniffed at language, like a great chef buying fruits and vegetables. He munched distinctions. His sentence rhythms were those of a man who talks with his hands."--Anatole Broyard
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羅蘭巴特,學術地位不多說瞭。可是這位老人傢,就是從評論傢角度看待文學,創造瞭一係列概念。文本。但是又沒說清楚,現在爭議不斷。讓我們這些學生吃瞭不少苦頭,總算把概念弄清瞭,痛不欲生。所以,想到以前同學的話,發明那麼多術語乾嘛,背都背不清。 不能承受的曆史之重。...
評分巴特的《S/Z》係他1968年與1969年兩個學年研討班上實驗記錄(“工作印記”)。此書為已經轉嚮後結構主義的巴特解讀巴爾紮剋短篇小說《薩拉辛》的閱讀性文本。文內第1-9節(共93節)中,巴特專門言說瞭此時他眼中的(後現代)閱讀。 要言及閱讀,必先涉及閱讀的對象——文本、...
評分羅蘭巴特,學術地位不多說瞭。可是這位老人傢,就是從評論傢角度看待文學,創造瞭一係列概念。文本。但是又沒說清楚,現在爭議不斷。讓我們這些學生吃瞭不少苦頭,總算把概念弄清瞭,痛不欲生。所以,想到以前同學的話,發明那麼多術語乾嘛,背都背不清。 不能承受的曆史之重。...
圖書標籤: 羅蘭·巴特 結構主義 文藝理論 哲學 法國 RolandBarthes 語言學 法國文學
評分Barthes自己畫瞭個圈圈叫結構主義,說sarrasine 是readerly,自己的是writerly。最後轉來轉去把自己給套住瞭。解構主義纔是我的愛
評分Barthes自己畫瞭個圈圈叫結構主義,說sarrasine 是readerly,自己的是writerly。最後轉來轉去把自己給套住瞭。解構主義纔是我的愛
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