威廉•多伊尔(William Doyle),英国布里斯托大学历史学教授,英国社会科学院院士。
Origins of the French Revolution 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
比较清楚地讨论了有关法国大革命起源的学术史。多伊尔将大革命起源研究大致分为政治起源论、经济起源论、文化(实际上是社会)起源论,前两者是较为经典的解释,后者则算是修正学派了。 译者虽不相识,算起来却是我的师弟。序言写得十分老到,是思路清晰的论文。译文有极少数...
评分 评分 评分單純地説法國大革命是資產階級革命,的確是有點生搬硬套了。Doyle認為是階層被階級取代,這個會更加合理,也符合關於資本主義的歷史性質之一——歷史在此不再循環,這就是資本主義的進步性,但是,他會和其他歷史階段融合在一起。 在前資本主義的法國,這一點是最明顯的,國家...
评分太长想直接看结论的童鞋,请直接看倒数第三和第二段,最后一段不是结论,只是对结论的补充。 为何法国大革命会陷入无止境的恐怖暴虐?——多伊尔的《法大革命的起源》的读后感 大革命前,法国社会已被拥有不同特权(或者说权利)的阶层或者说群体给完全割裂,各自的群体有各...
图书标签: 法国大革命 革命史 历史 William_Doyle 英文原版 法國現代歷史
First published in 1980, this book rapidly established itself as the indispensable guide to what brought about the French Revolution, and to the debates of historians about the issue. It combined a full critical account of recent controversies with a fresh interpretation taking stock of where the debate had led. Since 1980 discussion among historians has continued as lively as ever, and has moved in directions scarcely explored at that time. The 'revisionist' criticism which destroyed the classic mid-century consensus emphasizing the Revolution's social and economic origins has opened the way to a 'post-revisionist' approach focused on cultural change. This new edition brings the subject up to date with an extensisively rewritten survey of the historiography up to the present day, and a revised interpretation modified in the light of research by a new generation of scholars. It will thus remain the starting point for any serious study of the greatest of all revolutions, which lies at the root of the modern political world. 'important book ...readable and perceptive analysis', Times Higher Education Supplement 'His book is excellent, achieving the rare distinction of being both useful and revealing', Spectator 'brief, clear, and thoughtful', Journal of Modern History
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评分在加州的飞机/火车/候机室读完。 1.非常不适合作为旅行读物,材料非常细密,简直是200页文献综述。读到10章之后各条线索组织起来非常好看。 2.刚刚回到北京。发现我还真是一个没有家乡感的人,对任何地方都无法培养出感情。尘世不过是旅店罢辽。
Origins of the French Revolution 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书