"The finest translation of Homer ever made into the English language."--William Arrowsmith
"Certainly the best modern verse translation."--Gilbert Highet
"This magnificent translation of Homer's epic poem . . . will appeal to admirers of Homer and the classics, and the multitude who always wanted to read the great "Iliad" but never got around to doing so."--"The American Book Collector"
"Perhaps closer to Homer in every way than any other version made in English."--Peter Green, "The New Republic"
"The feat is decisive that it is reasonable to foresee a century or so in which nobody will try again to put the "Iliad" in English verse."--Robert Fitzgerald
"Each new generation is bound to produce new translations. [Lattimore] has done better with nobility, as well as with accuracy, than any other modern verse translator. In our age we do not often find a fine scholar who is also a genuine poet and who takes the greatest pains over the work of translation."--Hugh Lloyd-Jones, "New York Review of Books"
"Over the long haul Lattimore's translation is more powerful because its effects are more subtle."--"Booklist"
"Richmond Lattimore is a fine translator of poetry because he has a poetic voice of his own, authentic and unmistakable and yet capable of remarkable range of modulation. His translations make the English reader aware of the poetry."--Moses Hadas, "The New York Times"
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評分根據伊利亞特第二章的描述,宙斯為瞭賜予因為和阿伽門農爭吵而退齣戰役的阿喀琉斯以更大的光榮,決定讓阿開亞人在與特洛伊人的戰鬥中慘敗。於是托夢給阿伽門農,假裝許諾他此時正是進攻特洛伊的最好時機。於是乎阿伽門農有瞭信心,決心“畢其功於一役”,一舉擊敗特洛伊。 ...
評分 評分阿喀琉斯的憤怒 偉大的《伊利亞特》以歌唱阿喀琉斯的憤怒作為開篇,將之視為更殘酷的命運起始的標誌——“歌唱吧,女神,歌唱帕琉斯之子阿喀琉斯的憤怒,這憤怒給阿開亞人帶來瞭無限的苦難。很多勇敢的靈魂就這樣被打入哈迪斯的冥土,許多英雄的屍骨淪為野狗和兀鷹之口。自從...
評分圖書標籤: Homer 古希臘 荷馬 詩歌 Lattimore 文學 史詩 英譯
評分綜閤多方意見,最好的英譯本有 18 世紀 Pope 的駢體詩版、Lattimore 的這本和 Fagles 的譯本,後兩者都是 20 世紀翻譯的,比較易讀,Fagles 尤其易讀。明白壯麗迅速直捷,敘事手法高超,文學意識一流,悲劇的萬世宗師
評分the most lucid and prosaic translation of all.
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