Guy is associate professor of history at the University of Washington.
The compilation of the Complete Library of the Four Treasuries ("Ssu-k'u ch'uan-shu") was one of the most ambitious intellectual projects of the Ch'ing dynasty. Initiated by imperial command in 1772, the project sought to evaluate, edit, and reproduce the finest Chinese writings in the four traditional categories: Confucian classics, histories, philosophy, and "belles lettres." The final products, created over a twenty-two year period, were an annotated catalog of some ten thousand titles and seven new manuscript libraries of nearly thirty-six hundred titles. The project had its darker side as well, for together with the evaluation of books there developed a campaign of censorship and proscription. Guy's study gives a balanced account of the project and its significance. Dozens of celebrated Chinese scholars willingly participated in the project, though it was sponsored by the Manchu emperor, and Guy explains their reasons for doing so. He also reconsiders the issue of censorship, arguing that it grew as much from tensions and jealousies within the intellectual elite as from imperial command. Guy's work will be useful to all those interested in the relationship between intellectuals and the state in late imperial China.
The Emperor's Four Treasures 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載 皇帝的四庫:乾隆朝晚期的學者與國傢 [美]蓋博堅 / 鄭雲艷 / 中國人民大學齣版社 / 2019-10 子扉我 2019年鞦 申城西樓 原載迴響編輯部微信2019年12月28日 正文字數不能少於140字
評分 皇帝的四庫:乾隆朝晚期的學者與國傢 [美]蓋博堅 / 鄭雲艷 / 中國人民大學齣版社 / 2019-10 子扉我 2019年鞦 申城西樓 原載迴響編輯部微信2019年12月28日 正文字數不能少於140字
評分 皇帝的四庫:乾隆朝晚期的學者與國傢 [美]蓋博堅 / 鄭雲艷 / 中國人民大學齣版社 / 2019-10 子扉我 2019年鞦 申城西樓 原載迴響編輯部微信2019年12月28日 正文字數不能少於140字
評分一句話評價:細節功夫不行,人文關懷負分,隻有(幾十年以前的)標新立異的觀點。 先挑能誇的點,本書相對來說最有價值的部分是四、五兩章。 第四章強調瞭皇帝、官僚、學者的立場區彆:沽名釣譽的皇帝有些急於求成,務實的劉統勛試圖限製工程的規模,硃筠和他的幕友們則希望藉...
評分This is a very promising topic, but a mediocre, if not disappointing study. Tracing the history of encyclopedia-editing under imperial order, Chapter 2 introduces Qianlong’s order within the court culture of the time. Chapter 3 discusses scholar’s resp...
圖書標籤: 海外中國研究 清史 曆史 文化史 英文原版 知識分子 蓋博堅 近現代史
評分insightful, clear, and well organized book.
評分insightful, clear, and well organized book.
評分insightful, clear, and well organized book.
The Emperor's Four Treasures 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載