Ronald C. Egan is Professor of Sinology in the Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures at Stanford University.
Widely considered the preeminent Chinese woman poet, Li Qingzhao (1084-1150s) occupies a crucial place in China’s literary and cultural history. She stands out as the great exception to the rule that the first-rank poets in premodern China were male. But at what price to our understanding of her as a writer does this distinction come? The Burden of Female Talent challenges conventional modes of thinking about Li Qingzhao as a devoted but often lonely wife and, later, a forlorn widow. By examining manipulations of her image by the critical tradition in later imperial times and into the twentieth century, Ronald C. Egan brings to light the ways in which critics sought to accommodate her to cultural norms, molding her “talent” to make it compatible with ideals of womanly conduct and identity. Contested images of Li, including a heated controversy concerning her remarriage and its implications for her “devotion” to her first husband, reveal the difficulty literary culture has had in coping with this woman of extraordinary conduct and ability. The study ends with a reappraisal of Li’s poetry, freed from the autobiographical and reductive readings that were traditionally imposed on it and which remain standard even today.
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評分這篇措辭雅馴的私信,邊查典故邊理解品味,看得心裏五味陳雜。想到最近新聞頻頻曝齣的傢暴事件,真是心寒。。。 古有善訴談娘,淪為滑稽喜劇配角; 今有中浦悠花,被批賣慘炒作人設。 “雖南山之竹,豈能窮多口之談?” 一個傢暴的話題,跨越韆年, 受害者的處境,卻依舊如此相...
評分 評分中國傳統的文藝批評,總是與作者本身的德行聯係密切,而一位女作傢的“德行”,又往往與其情感婚姻密切相關。蕭紅的幾段感情經曆就曾讓她飽受詬病,而李清照這位曾經改嫁離異的宋代纔女,其從古至今的接受史也遠比我們所想象的要復雜許多。 與李清照同代的文人,對於她的評價多...
評分這是一位美國漢學傢的作品,副標題是“李清照及其接受史”,所以這不是本散文集子~而是一本正正經經地關於“李清照這個形象”的研究~ 書裏有很多有意思的,不常接觸到的,關於李清照的觀點。 比如,李清照選擇“詞”,是因為她發現瞭自己之於詞的優勢,女性作詞再由歌女唱齣...
圖書標籤: 李清照 海外中國研究 詩歌 海外漢學 文學研究 文學 宋代 宋
評分謝謝彥霄掃描前言與結尾,齣國後一定要讀完。和中文的清照評傳之尋溯係年不同,該書開門見山地質疑瞭曆代傳遞下來清照作品的真實性。第一部分重構當時的社會環境之於女性作傢,強調嚮來未被重視的"historicized apprehension"。與中文評傳相同的是反駁瞭將清照詞作為純粹的個人抒情來看。作者將李清照再嫁(張汝舟?)並告離視為她創作的一個轉摺點("writings from aftermath") 7-9章敘述瞭明清時期婦女寫作的更被接受、但同時守貞觀念加強- 這兩者在清照身上的衝撞所造成的對其scholarship的影響。清照對明誠死後忠貞的寡婦形象,對其再嫁一事的掩蓋就是晚清時期漸盛的,緊接著作者敘述五四時期對於此點的爭議,並且之後置於全世界的gender dynamic環境中。作者
評分learnt a lot from it-very inspirational and well written
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