Justice is a human virtue that is at once unconditional and conditional. Under favourable circumstances, we can be motivated to act justly by the belief that we must live up to what justice requires, irrespective of whether we benefit from doing so. But, our will to act justly is subject to conditions. We find it difficult to exercise the virtue of justice when others regularly fail to. Even if we appear to have overcome the difficulty, our reluctance often betrays itself in certain moral emotions. In this book, Jiwei Ci explores the dual nature of justice, in an attempt to make unitary sense of key features of justice reflected in its close relation to resentment, punishment and forgiveness. Rather than pursue a search for normative principles, he probes the human psychology of justice to understand what motivates moral agents who seek to behave justly, and why their desire to be just is as precarious as it is uplifting. A wide-ranging treatment of enduring questions, "The Two Faces of Justice" can also be read as a remarkably discerning contribution to the Western discourse on justice re-launched in our time by John Rawls.
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According to Jiwei Ci, The Two Faces of Justice (TFJ) is based on the following empirical observation: “if someone’s unjust acts were not refrained or punished, then others who desire justice would imitate those unjust persons’ to some extent, and the un...
評分According to Jiwei Ci, The Two Faces of Justice (TFJ) is based on the following empirical observation: “if someone’s unjust acts were not refrained or punished, then others who desire justice would imitate those unjust persons’ to some extent, and the un...
評分當你發現,自己的憤恨其實更多的齣自自利的動機,你厭惡他人侵害你的利益甚於他們破壞公平和正義,你不必感到羞愧,這隻是說明,你擁有瞭自省的能力。《正義的兩麵》說,利己主義是正義形成的必要條件之一,人沒有自私的傾嚮,正義也就沒有存在的必要瞭。 “除非自欺,利己主...
評分也不知道現在還在港大,或者已經到武大瞭。 以前還睏擾過我的問題有,慈繼偉《正義的兩麵》在國外好像沒有齣版,是直接翻譯成中文後齣版的,原來還專門找過英文版。
評分正義,應該不以人的好惡、不以誰的利害關係而轉變,它應該是支撐著世界的磐石! 正義,不是人們嘴裏隨隨便便說的那個詞,而是冥冥之中注視人間是非善惡的那雙眼,讓人為自己的行為承擔後果,無欲,更無情! 正義,並不是一種積極的或者是某些人高昂的姿態,而是生命中注定不...
圖書標籤: 政治哲學 慈老師 實踐哲學 political_philosophy 潛水 正義 政治學 慈繼偉
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